Published Feb 10, 2012
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,677 Posts
We are seeing an increasing number of students who are under the influence while in (high-no pun intended!) school. I am looking for training opportunities that will increase my ability to identify these students. It has been my experience that few students are high on pot or alcohol, but the norm is becoming prescription drugs, Thoughts?
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
I am in a middle school, and while i don't see as much as the HS nurse, i still get my fair share of supected under influence (SUI) students. I work very closely with the Student assistance counselor and the student resource officer (local pd assigned to the schools)
If i'm approached with a SUI student I give them an assessment that includes vitals, neuro checks and coordination tests similar to the DWI tests. My job is not to determine if they are high or not, my job is to deterine if they are in immediate danger and if they are impaired from a WNL standard on the coordination tests.
I've learned a lot from the police officer and a lot from my own research. One of my absolute favorite resources is a book from:
Streetdrugs Index Page they come out with a new one each year and i always try to get my hands on one. They even have an application for a smart phone, but i don't have one so i can't tell you how it is.