drug calculations help please

Nursing Students Student Assist


A patient is prescribed 1G of vancomycin.The drug has been reconstituted and diluted to a volume of 200ml.The maximum infusion rate of Vancomycin is 10mg/ml.

a) Whats is the minimum time over which the drug can be given safety

b) What rate would you set the infusion device to deliver this volume.

I will appreciate if anyone can help .

Kind regards

Show us what you've done so far so we can give you some guidance. At least give it a try. It's the only way you'll really learn it. Don't over think it. It's simple math.

To get you started. 1 gram of Vanco is how many milligrams? Your turn.

Good. So if you have a total of 1000 mg in 200ml how many mg are in each ml? Again. It's really simple math. Don't over think it.

Also, check the question. Did you mean maximum infusion "rate" if so it would be written as 10mg/ whatever unit if time. Or did you mean maximum concentration which would be 10mg/ml.

first thanks thanks for the replay.

So we have 10mg in 1ml

I mean maximum infusion rate of vanc is 10mg/ml

If it's maximum infusion rate there needs to be a unit of time such as 10 mg/minute. 10 mg/ml is the concentration of the drug. Rate and concentration are not the same thing. Rate is how fast you give it. Concentration is how much medication is in whatever volume of fluid you have.

Check your math. Are you sure it's 10mg in one ml? Show us how you arrived at that.

sorry I gave you the wrong answer, the maximum infusion rate of vanc is 10ml/mn

A patient is prescribed 1G of vancomycin.The drug has been reconstituted and diluted to a volume of 200ml.The maximum infusion rate of Vancomycin is 10mg/min

a) Whats is the minimum time over which the drug can be given safety

b) What rate would you set the infusion device to deliver this volume.

No worries. That's what I thought. But you've still got your math wrong. If you have a total of 1000 mg of Vanco in 200 ml how many mg of Vanco in each ml? And then the next question is if you can only give 10 mg per minute and you have to give 1000 mg how many minutes would that be? Again. Don't overthink it. It's simple math.

And anybody else chime in here. Am I crazy? Have they constructed this question to come out with a really weird infusion time? I'm used to students having questions that come out with relatively normal (ie 60 min, 30 min) so they get the concept and are not too befuddled by the numbers. :down:

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