Drexel 2021 admission

Nursing Students SRNA


Hello guys,

I was wondering if anyone is applying to for 2021 admission cohort? Or if there are any current students out here from their program to give a better insight.

I recently attended their online open house , but unfortunately was not able to speak to any students from their CRNA program. I just submitted my application and was wondering if anyone else have applied.

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care, CCRN.

RamFerRN how did your interview at Penn go?  Do you have any tips on how to prepare?  Obviously Penn and are different schools, however, I would think the concepts are pretty similar.  Anything to help me get an organized thought would be great!  Thanks.

Specializes in Medical ICU.

What do you mean your invitation came from NAP? I emailed today.  Still nothing. I would think that by now I would've been rejected or invited for an admission ?

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care, CCRN.

See my attachment.  You will see the sender is "NAP" which is also what you use to reply with your response.

Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 8.38.03 PM.png
Specializes in Medical ICU.

Gotcha. Nurse anesthesia program =NAP. Thank you.  I have had 3 interviews already. Was waitlisted at jefferson. Waiting on Northeastern in Boston, and denied at Penn. Penn was by far the trickiest.  And I will explain why. In my honest opinion, every interview consisted of testing your ability to think on the spot. Whether it is clinically or mentally in the presence of chaos or disruptive coworkers. They want to know how you handle stress. As far as drugs, they will expect you to know and be a master of whatever you do in YOUR specialty.  Whatever you put on your resume or say you do, they will ask about. In a way, you have control over how the interview goes. If you don't feel comfortable with something, don't mention it. As far as pharmacology, I was asked very deep questions. I remember being asked about how propofol affects action potentials in the neurons. They will assume that you know how drugs work and then take it a step beyond that until you break. Let me know if you have any more questions.  I have another interview coming up in North Chicago.

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care, CCRN.

Wow! How very exciting for you and at this point you can claim professional interviewee status.? Were you asked the famous ‘Why do you want to be a CRNA?’ question?
For me this is probably the most intimidating question because it is difficult to articulate a clear direct response when there are a some many reasons that influenced my decision.

Specializes in Medical ICU.

Only 2 schools did. And to be honest with you, I came off as very nervous at Penn and Northeastern. Jefferson was very easy going. More like a get to know you. It is hard to know what they will ask, but you should be ready to answer why you wanna do this, your experience, what you have done to stand out, review your ccrn material, review drips and procedures in your unit, strengths and weaknesses. Just remember that being nervous is normal. I still got nervous even when I thought I'd get better at this. It shows you that all interviews are different and you can't prepare 100%.

Specializes in pre-ABSN.

Hey guys!

I just found out I got waitlisted for the Fall 2021 program. Kinda bummed because is my top choice. It might be a silly question but does anyone know of the chances of being admitted after being waitlisted?

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care, CCRN.

I got into ! How exciting ?

Anyone else find out if they made it in??

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care, CCRN.

Just curious who all will be attending 's CRNA Fall 2021 cohort? Has anyone heard any news?? I appreciate any update!

 Can you be accepted if you have C in a pre-rec?

who should I get to write my letters of recommendation? NPs, MDs or managers? do they want somebody with a master's degree or higher?

How many applicants do they accept around?


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