Drexel Ace Fall 2014

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hello everyone! JerseyGirl87 here. Is there anyone else out there planning on applying to the ACE Nursing program for Fall 2014?? I know it's still fairly early - applications aren't due for another six months or so, but I'm still hoping to find some fellow applicants (**fingers crossed**)

A little about me for those of you who may be curious, I'm 25, currently active duty military (deployed at the moment), and have had an interest in the ACE program for a few years. My ultimate goal os to become a Nurse Anesthetist.

Now that I've got less than a year and a half remaining on my military contract, it's time to start planning for what's next. I will be honest in saying that although I've had an interest in the program for quite some time, I am a procrastinator by nature and have not been very diligent in getting my pre-requisites completed. Part of it has been procrastination, and part of it has been a lack of time energy due to military and volunteer obligations, and other personal activities. So anyways, now I'm buckling down on getting my degree and other pre-requisites completed, with a goal of having them all completed by the application deadline - I know that this is not a requirement, but I'd like to give myself the most competitive edge possible in what seems every year to be such an enormous pool of applicants. With just over six moths to spare, it will be difficult (especially during a deployment), but I'm determined to get it done.

Here's a rundown of my progress, I encourage you to share yours as well...

Bachelors Degree - In Progress

-BA in Liberal Studies from Thomas Edison State College

-16 Semester Hours Remaining

-Remaining courses in progress and to be completed on June 22nd 2013; Expect to graduate in September 2013


-English Composition (3) - Completed (William Paterson University)

-English Literature (3) - Completed (William Paterson University)

-Chemistry (4) - To be Completed in July 1st-September 1st 2013 (Rio Salado College)

-Sociology (3) - To be Completed via CLEP Exam (GREAT CLEP study resource: InstantCert)

-Introductory Psychology (3) To be Completed via CLEP Exam (Received a C- freshman yr.)

-Developmental Psychology (3) - Completed (West Virginia University)

-A&P I (4) - To be Completed April 1st-June 22nd 2013 (Thomas Edison State College)

-A&P II (4) - To be Completed July 1st-September 22nd 2013 (Thomas Edison State College)

-Microbiology (4) - To be Completed July 1st-October 1st 2013 (Rio Salado College)

-Ethics (3) - To be Completed via DSST/DANTES Exam

-Computer Applications (3) - Completed (Thomas Edison State College)

-Statistics (3) - To be completed via DSST/DANTES Exam

-Human Nutrition (4) - To be completed July 1st-September 1st 2013

**Drexel's Human Nutrition Requirement is only 3 semester hours**

44 credits in 6 months. Quite a task. But I figure if I can't pull it off, then I don't have any business attempting to make it through the ACE program anyway...

Questions to you all to satisfy my curiosity...

What is your current professional field?

Why Drexel?

Do you have educational goals beyond your BSN?

Are you currently located in the Philadelphia area, or elsewhere?

If accepted to Drexel, how will you be financing your education?

Looking forward to your responses!


Hello all,

First off, reading these posts has been extremely helpful. You all are awesome and so informative. I received an acceptance letter to a few weeks ago for the Fall 2014 start. I am from California and could not make the trip out to Philly for the info session.

I was wondering where some of you who have committed to the program plan on living? Or, anyone who lives near the area have any recommendations. I am excited and eager to visit Drexel but, also have some questions surrounding the pace of the program?

Any past alumni want to comment or leave a remark regarding their experiences at Drexel? I feel that would really help us out!

Congratulations to all and best of luck to those who wait! Remember to breathe!

Hi everyone! I found out today I was accepted for fall 2014! I'm so excited and glad the waiting game is over!! Does anyone know when there will be another information session for accepted students? Congrats to everyone again, and best of luck to those waiting!

Did anyone who got accepted receive any other documents or transfer credits evaluation letter beside the welcome package?

Congrats @Janelle1786!

@ogoz, not yet! I was actually going to email them & see what's going on because I thought we were supposed to get the Transfer credits evaluation within two weeks of acceptance.

@ogoz - I just received my transfer credit evaluation today. They are probably in the beginning stages of sending them out. I would definitely send a email.

I just got mine and I'm not happy about it. I'm going to call the advisor because it doesn't look like they're going to be accepting my courses :/


Oh nice. Did you receive it within 2 weeks? and Was the form sent to you in email or mail?. I actually spoke to one of the advisor today, she told me that they are working on it and would email it to me when is done.


Don't hesitate to contact them. I just spoke to one earlier and she was pretty nice. May I ask what courses are not being accepted and where you've taken them? They've told me that they will not accept online courses for the science pre-reqs that has lab.

@Ogoz- All of my classes are from my current university: VCU. The only ones they have accepted are my statistics and chemistry. I am currently in anatomy, micro, and psych, but at VCU the anatomy and physiology are their own separate classes and together would only give me 8 credits, whereas their combo of A&P with the lab is 10 credits. And I took my english composition course already and it isn't shown. As for the nutrition that makes me mad because I withdrew from it this semester because it was too much to do with my other courses but at VCU, nutrition is only offered as an online course, so I'm screwed now because I was going to re-take it in the spring.

@Janelle1786 they said that Jan. 16th is a webinar and Feb. 8th is the next ACE tour apparently. Has anyone else heard anything different?

@Ogoz- I did not receive it within the first two weeks. I actually got my acceptance letter back in early October I believe and I am just receiving the evaluation. It was sent as an attachment in a email.

I received my transfer evaluation today, also as an attachment. I was a little confused at first when I saw 's science classes were 5 credits each and nutrition was 4. However, I emailed back and asked them to clarify and they explained it is because Drexel courses are in quarter credits as opposed to semester. So my classes were fine.

@Lexicon- Is this what you were confused by as well? It kind of sounded that way from what you were saying about their A&P classes adding up to 10 credits instead of 8. If so don't worry, those classes should be fine! I also only have 8 credits of A&P and she said they were accepted.

@Janelle- No it was more than that. They couldn't find the descriptions for my English class, which is why the course didn't transfer, but it's all fixed now. :)

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