Dreading going into work tomorrow....

Nurses General Nursing


I do not want to go to work tomorrow!!! I was up on the floor today to speak to my manager about my schedule and the whole unit was freakin' nuts.:eek: We have at LEAST three screamers right now, and about 6 families that expect private duty nursing for their family member!! Plus one patient who needs to be a DNR, but the family absolutely refuses to change the status. Throw in a couple of docs who think you are their private rounding nurse, and you have the makings of a great day!! :stone: You know it is not a good day when your manager finds a table to do her work on and sets out in the hall so she can watch two patients to make sure they don't fall out of bed! (Heaven forbid if the family would watch them, or even worse restrain them either chemically or physically!!)... I better be heading off to bed now :zzzzz: I think I will need all the help I can get.


I can relate. I am in LTC for a few hours a day and this is what I look forward to

old man cursing me out and swinging cane for not doing what i am "suppose" to do...which is pick up and deliver trays. ??? I do sticks... go figure.

at least 50 "lawd jesuses" when they see me

wheelchair wall crawlers trying to pull quiet, sneaky getaways

5 "I hate you's" and 20 "get the h#*@ out"

and at the one that always breaks my heart when I go to leave says "I'll pay ya if ya take me"

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