Double Majoring in Biology/Nursing?

Nursing Students General Students


Would it be possible to double-major in nursing and biology? Do I need to contact the schools I'm looking at and see if it'd be possible by them? I'd like to double-major and get my BSN and BS in Biology at the same time.

Thanks all of you in advance!

Also, I'll have all my pre-reqs done, etcetc. :yeah:

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

Couldn't see why not, if your in a BSN program like mine that you have summer and winter breaks off you could always do your biology courses in the summer. You might add an extra semester after your done BSN to finish your Biology but I have seen someone in my nursing program do it before, but that's because we have summers off.

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.
I am a few classes fr0m my bachel0rs in M0lecular Bi0 and started nursing this semester. I can use m0st 0f the general educati0n classes f0r b0th maj0rs. When I get my ass0ciates RN Ill als0 have my bach in bi0 and then ill 0nly have 7 classes left f0r my BSN. Its g0nna w0rk f0r me. Y0u may n0t be able t0 finish b0th degrees at the same time and there may be schedule c0nflicts between the nursing classes and the c0re classes f0r y0ur bi0 degree but it is d0able. D0nt set y0ur self up f0r failure by trying t0 d0 it all at 0nce and all in 4 years. Thats just my 2 cents fr0m my experience. I have a bi0 advis0r and a nursing advis0r and I have talked with the registra ab0ut the classes Ill be able t0 use f0r b0th degrees. Summer is an awes0me time t0 pick up classes. My bi0 degree was first and then I added the nursing degree and I l0ve it. Im h0ping that the bi0 degree will help me get int0 a masters pr0gram BUT that is n0t why I did it. Its just the way it has w0rked 0ut and Im glad f0r it. My advance Bi0 classes have matured me as a student and I am grateful f0r it all. S0rry ab0ut my typing Im missing keys 0n my keyb0ard. G00d luck!

Too cute you still responded even though you have missing keys. Congrats on doing the Molecular Biology and Nursing. I applaud those who seek and can accomplish multiple tasks such as that. :yeah:

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