Dosage and basic nrsg math for dummies?


I start school August 30th, and am trying to brush up on some of my simple math before I begin! I do have an older edition of dosage calculation i've been reading and doing some question examples, but what books helped you, either throughout the course or before? I was hoping there would be a "Dosage calculation" or "nursing math" for dummies book, but I cant seem to find one. What workbooks would you suggest? I have heard of a few websites that give a daily dosage scenario, but are there any other websites you swear by? Thanks!

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

i got a book called "dosage calculations demystified"..i really like it and its helped me tremendously! i reccommend it

by Keogh,Rn (forgot his first name and i dont have the book next to me LOL)

Specializes in ED.

I highly recommend Kaplan's "Math for Nurses" book. The book is broken down into 2 parts. The first one is "Foundation Skills" and is exactly what it says... a review of the simpler math topics. The second part is the "Applications" section and goes into detail about what nurses need to know. I have to tell you this book became my best friend and I am no longer intimidated of math thanks to it. It tells you how to do dosage calculations for oral, IV, and parental medications. It was a lifesaver. I think the best thing about it is that early on, it introduces you to 3 or 4 different math approaching strategies... if you don't like one, move on until you find one that works for you. Then, for every type of problem in the book, it shows you how to use EACH strategy to find out the answer. It rocks!

The ISBN is 978-1-4195-9955-2

I got mine at Barnes and Noble for about 15 bucks I think and it was worth every penny.

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