Published Aug 14, 2011
111 Posts
I was looking online to try and find a few ABSN programs to apply to. I have already applied to FSU and I was thinking I would apply to UF and then see what other schools offered this program. I saw on here last year there was a thread that was talking about an accelerated BSN program through UAB and that several students were applying. I found on their site information about a 2nd degree but that is it. There isn't much to it. I wanted to know what the prereq's were and so forth. Is there anyone currently in the program or applying for spring 2012?
Nevermind! I found the info! I just can't believe how all these schools require different stuff! You would think they would all have similar requirements. I mean several schools I have looked at only require chemistry without a lab and then there are several that do require a lab. Now I see UAB requires two chem courses! Some schools require the GRE and others don't. Some do not require chem at all but require you take two different psychology courses! Oh well, I will get it all figured out;0)
653 Posts
Did you end up deciding to apply here? I am thinking about it too!
NP Sam
476 Posts
I was accepted last Fall but decided not to go so I could attend USFs accelerated program in-state. UABs program is not accelerated, it would just be the normal 5 or 6 semesters. Yes do apply to UF too!
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Moved to AL Nursing Programs Discussion forum.
I applied to FSU first and will find out in mid October whether or not I got in. If not then I will apply to UAB Fall 2012, mainly b/c that is where my dad & aunt went. My aunt is also a professor there in the masters program in nursing, so how could I not go, especially seeing that if I I could always go to her if I didn't understand or needed advice;0) Of course it would be out of state for me, but UAB is a very good nursing school!!! I don't think I would have trouble getting in seeing that they accept from 150-200 students each semester!!!
This program is maybe not considered accelerated, but it it way shorter than any program offered here where I live....most BSN programs that are not accelerated here are 4 years!! Mainly b/c you have to become an RN first then go another 2 years to get your BSN. So UAB is shorter to me even if it's not 12's only a year and a half long program;) There are two programs from two different schools offering a standard BSN, but it's 2 years. So either way I would rather go to UAB than attend school several more months, especially with 3 kids!!
173 Posts
I applied to FSU first and will find out in mid October whether or not I got in. If not then I will apply to UAB Fall 2012, mainly b/c that is where my dad & aunt went. My aunt is also a professor there in the masters program in nursing, so how could I not go, especially seeing that if I I could always go to her if I didn't understand or needed advice;0) Of course it would be out of state for me, but UAB is a very good nursing school!!! I don't think I would have trouble getting in seeing that they accept from 150-200 students each semester!!!This program is maybe not considered accelerated, but it it way shorter than any program offered here where I live....most BSN programs that are not accelerated here are 4 years!! Mainly b/c you have to become an RN first then go another 2 years to get your BSN. So UAB is shorter to me even if it's not 12's only a year and a half long program;) There are two programs from two different schools offering a standard BSN, but it's 2 years. So either way I would rather go to UAB than attend school several more months, especially with 3 kids!!
One thing you may not realize about the BSN program at UAB is they now accept approx 150 students at a time. Out of those 150 about 70 are traditional UAB students, those that have taken all of their classes at UAB. They are guaranteed a seat. The balance are filled by the students that were on the "alternative" list for the last starting class that did not get a seat, then they accept new applicants. Typically the avg GPA for the students selected to take the remaining seats is around 3.46 for Fall admission.