Does your state require mental health reporting?



This has been a common question here lately on AN. So, I started this thread in hopes that 50 people (plus DC, if there's a license for DC) from each of the 50 states, plus DC, could share whether there is a mental health/chemical dependency question and how it is worded. Please no repeats (the hope is that everyone can find their state and if/how the question is worded). Moderators, if this is against TOS, please remove. Use your own judgment and/or call your state board for further questions regarding the question and other questions on the application. I will start.

State: Virginia

Is there a question regarding mental illness/chemical dependency? Yes

How is it worded? "Do you have a mental, physical, or chemical dependency condition which could interfere with your current ability to practice nursing?" (I have asked the Board of Nursing to clarify and I was told that if you have a mental illness/chemical dependency, you must report. It is not an opinion question.)

Again, please no repeats. Virginia has been done. :up:

State: Illinois

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency? Yes

How is it worded?: Have you had or do you now have any disease or condition that interferes with your ability to perform the essential functions of your profession, including any disease or condition generally regarded as chronic by the medical community, i.e., (1) mental or emotional disease or condition; (2) alcohol or other substance abuse; (3) physical disease or condition, that presently interferes with your ability to practice your profession? If yes, attach a detailed statement, including an explanation whether or not you are currently under treatment.

State: Indiana

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency?: No, for mental illness. Yes, for alcohol/drug abuse.

How is it worded?: No question for mental illness. Straight forward question if you have ever been treated for alcohol/drug abuse. Questions regarding convictions and disciplinary actions.

State: Louisiana

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency?:Yes

How is it worded?:"Have you been diagnosed with, do you have, or have you had a medical, physical, mental, emotional or psychiatric condition that might affect your ability to safely practice as a registered nurse?"

State: Maine

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency? No

How is it worded? There is not one.

State: Mississippi

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency?: No, mental illness question. Yes. chemical dependency.

How is it worded?:No mental health question. The chemical dependency question asks if you have been treated for alcohol/drug abuse in the last five years.

State: Missouri

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency?: No, mental illness question. Yes, chemical dependency.

How is it worded?: No mental health question. The chemical dependency question asks about alcohol/drug abuse treatment/convictions/use within past five years.

State: Montana

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency?: Yes

How is it worded?: "Have you ever been diagnosed with a physical condition or mental health disorder involving potential health risk to the public? If yes, please provide a detailed explanation."

"Have you ever been diagnosed with substance use disorder or another addiction, or have you participated in an addiction treatment program? If yes, please attach a detailed explanation and provide documentation regarding evaluations, diagnosis, treatment recommendations and monitoring from the source."

State: Michigan

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency? No, mental illness question. Yes, chemical dependency.

How is it worded?: No mental health question. Chemical dependency question asks about substance abuse treatment in the past 2 years.

State: Iowa

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency? No.

How is it worded?: No mental health or substance abuse question. It does ask about convictions.

State: Kansas

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency? No.

How is it worded? No question about mental health issues or chemical dependency. Asks about convictions and disciplinary action.

State: Nebraska

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency? No.

How is it worded? No mental health question. It asks about convictions and if the conviction deals with mental health/addiction/substance abuse, you have to release the treatment/health information to them regarding that.

State: Nevada

Is there a question regarding mental illness or chemical dependency? Yes.

How is it worded?

"3. Do you currently use chemical substances in any way which impairs or limits your ability to practice the full scope of nursing?

If the answer is Yes, you must submit:

a. A letter of explanation that addresses the impairment or limitations of practice;

b. If you are using the chemical substance as a confirmed medical necessity, a letter from your treating practitioner documenting the diagnosis and medical necessity for the use of chemical substances, including any practice limitations."

"4. Are you currently in recovery for chemical dependency, chemical abuse or addiction?

If the answer is Yes, you must submit:

a. A letter of explanation describing your recovery experience, including length of continuous recovery, treatment, and current recovery activities;

b. Documentation from knowledgeable individual(s) documenting your length of sobriety; and

c. Documentation of inpatient or outpatient chemical dependency treatment."

"5. Do you currently have a medical or psychiatric/mental health condition which in any way impairs or limits your ability to practice the full scope of nursing?

If the answer is Yes, you must submit:

a. A letter of explanation regarding your condition, whether temporary or permanent, including diagnosis, past hospitalizations, date of last treatment, current treatment plan, and how your condition may interfere with your

ability to practice the full scope of nursing safely; and

b. Documentation from treating practitioner regarding the diagnosis, (Axis I-V for psychiatric diagnosis), medications, current status and treatment plan, the extent of condition, and statement regarding your ability to carry out nursing duties reliably and with good judgment."

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