This has been a common question here lately on AN. So, I started this thread in hopes that 50 people (plus DC, if there's a license for DC) from each of the 50 states, plus DC, could share whether there is a mental health/chemical dependency question and how it is worded. Please no repeats (the hope is that everyone can find their state and if/how the question is worded). Moderators, if this is against TOS, please remove. Use your own judgment and/or call your state board for further questions regarding the question and other questions on the application. I will start.
State: Virginia
Is there a question regarding mental illness/chemical dependency? Yes
How is it worded? "Do you have a mental, physical, or chemical dependency condition which could interfere with your current ability to practice nursing?" (I have asked the Board of Nursing to clarify and I was told that if you have a mental illness/chemical dependency, you must report. It is not an opinion question.)
Again, please no repeats. Virginia has been done.