Does NP school "reputation/name" matter?

Specialties NP


I live in NC, still very much "old boy's network" in many areas. I am currently applying to NP programs. I have heard from local working NPs that the "school's name matters"; that grads of certain schools (UNC Chapel Hill, Duke,Vandy,ect) will have no issues getting jobs/more desirable. I hate to limit my application choices!

I am wondering if you all see this in your area? Opinions? Moving isn't an option d/t dh's work...thanks for the input!

sorry for the typo in the title!

Thanks for the reply, I am applying to RN-MSN. I see that the blocks are one with several 5 day long weekends over the semester-- is this each sem? I love Nashville and have friends there but live in NC and it IS still travel!

5 years ago, the blocks were over every semester. The block during the summer semester wasn't mandatory, but the rest were. Things have probably changed, so you need to contact them. Also, the FNP students had to live in Nashville or close by, so be aware of that.

Specializes in Emergency, MCCU, Surgical/ENT, Hep Trans.

I did ANP, loved it. You can basically specialize in just about anything adult. VU is so flexible and supportive. Have a good idea of where you want to do your clinicals. Pick a place/preceptor you might like to work and go for it.

I have two jobs, both per diem. I'm under contract w/the government and unwilling to travel, so I'm stuck looking for a job in my hospital, which, don't come around often. But, I do have a few bites. The government takes FOREVER to hire NPs. I hope to get hired (as a NP) before my contract ends. If not, I'll leave for the private sector.

Good luck, welcome to Nashville!!!

I did ANP, loved it. You can basically specialize in just about anything adult. VU is so flexible and supportive. Have a good idea of where you want to do your clinicals. Pick a place/preceptor you might like to work and go for it.

I have two jobs, both per diem. I'm under contract w/the government and unwilling to travel, so I'm stuck looking for a job in my hospital, which, don't come around often. But, I do have a few bites. The government takes FOREVER to hire NPs. I hope to get hired (as a NP) before my contract ends. If not, I'll leave for the private sector.

Good luck, welcome to Nashville!!!

ANP, I have a question. I have a friend (we both graduated from ) and she's in the military. She said they don't recognize ANP's, so she had to go back to school and get her FNP. Did they change the rules or something? This was only 2 years ago...we were in a post-Master's FNP program together. So, when you say you work with the government...why are the rules different from the military?

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