Does NJ CES endorsement requires an IELTS exam?

World Registration


Hi. I passed my NCLEX exam 2 months ago under the State of Vermont. I then started to process my endorsement in NJ. I called the NJ BoN to check the status of my application. They told me to contact CGFNS and send a CES report specific to the State of NJ. My question is that does the CES specific to NJ requires an IELTS exam? I know that you needed that on the initial requirements applying for NJ license but I'm not sure if it applies on license endorsements.

My sister took NCLEX under Northern Mariana Islands but she wasn't told that she needed a CES report when she endorsed her license here in NJ. I noticed some inconsistency but she might just be lucky and get away with it.

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Hi. I passed my NCLEX exam 2 months ago under the State of Vermont. I then started to process my endorsement in NJ. I called the NJ BoN to check the status of my application. They told me to contact CGFNS and send a CES report specific to the State of NJ. My question is that does the CES specific to NJ requires an IELTS exam? I know that you needed that on the initial requirements applying for NJ license but I'm not sure if it applies on license endorsements.

My sister took NCLEX under Northern Mariana Islands but she wasn't told that she needed a CES report when she endorsed her license here in NJ. I noticed some inconsistency but she might just be lucky and get away with it.

Usually TOEFL or IELTS. Did you ask CGFNS?

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@justbeachynurse I haven't asked them but the application for an NCLEX exam in NJ requires an english exam. I just don't know or not sure that it applies also when transferring/endorsing your license from a different state. So based on your response, I'm assuming that they require. Thank you for responding to my question.

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