Does J2 dependent visa needs visascreening from CGFNS?


hi all,

would some one help me out? i am in dillema. I got my ssn, employment card, gave my NCLEX last week. I m now crossing my finger for my result.

I need to endorse to NY board from california board of nursing, I have already applied for CVS of NY, but not visa screen.

do i need visa screen as wel?

if no this time, Do I need to take it when my husband wave from J1 visa to H1B visa.?

or can i get green card if i get job?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
hi all,

would some one help me out? i am in dillema. I got my ssn, employment card, gave my NCLEX last week. I m now crossing my finger for my result.

I need to endorse to NY board from california board of nursing, I have already applied for CVS of NY, but not visa screen.

do i need visa screen as wel?

if no this time, Do I need to take it when my husband wave from J1 visa to H1B visa.?

or can i get green card if i get job?

Hi and welcome to the site

You will not be able to work if your husband gets a H1b visa but if you are looking to go through the process yourself with your husband then you will need to get visa screen certificate. It is a requirement for immigration. I suggest you check out the International forum as currently everyone is affected by retrogression and currently no visas to adjust.

You can find the forum by clicking on the local tab near the top of the page and then International.

Thank you for ur reply,

Does that mean, I need to get visa screen before starting the job now?

or should I do it only after 3 yr when my husband will change to H1b?

isnt it possible to get job on J2 visa, ssn and employment authorizaton card?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Thank you for ur reply,

Does that mean, I need to get visa screen before starting the job now?

or should I do it only after 3 yr when my husband will change to H1b?

isnt it possible to get job on J2 visa, ssn and employment authorizaton card?

Not sure on J2 but I would get the visa screen done now. There is no reason to wait until your husband change to H1b you could start the process yourself and add your husband and if any children into the process and they can get green cards. As I understand J1 visa holder is supposed to return home for 2 years before being eligible for immigrant visa so not sure if this will be an issue on him getting H1b. this link may explain a bit more but does not indicate if you can work on J2.

If you decide to move with employer and get green card once retrogression has lifted there is a process you can go through to change status but you do need vsc as it needs to be submitted at the same time as your application.

If you have the EAD then you can work, but if he changes to the H1-B, and you are still his dependent, then you will not be able to work at that time.

Right now, you do not need the VSC if you already have the EAD and SSN#. However, you will need it to be able to apply for the green card.

NY takes about eight months to get the CVS done, so it is not going to be immediate for you to work. They will not issue you a license until you can provide that for them.

Please be aware that you will need to have the green card in hand for when your husband finishes his J-1 training, then both of you will be covered under it. Be aware that there are no visas currently available and you cannot even start the petitioning process without having the VSC, so suggest that you get started with that as soon as possible.

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