Does it get easier after anatomy class?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I need a come to Jesus talk. I'm in A&P 1 and am having a hard time. I'm currently have a C, I'm pretty sure I failed my last lecture exam. I've always been an A/B student. Right now, I'm reconsidering nursing and just wondering if I will be able to handle what is ahead.

I'm also an adult student with previous degrees so perhaps I just have no idea how to study! I'm working on changing things up.

I'm having trouble with the amount of content and also memorizing. Any suggestions?

Grear advice! I like knowing about using YouTube. That's good to know before I embark on this journey again.

Ok, Brutal honesty time... no, it does not get easier. Anatomy and Physiology is a basic class, with concrete content. Each progressive term has built upon the others, and the demand on time and brain has steadily increased. I guarantee it, though, you can get through a nursing program. You may have to tailor your study strategies each term, and you may even fail a class or two. But you can get through it. If you have the dream, make good on it. Dedicate yourself fully, say " I can, I will" instead of " I could, I would".

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