Does the CGFNS requirement for two years of work experience in the country where I studied apply to me as an American citizen studying in the UAE, and how might it affect my plans after graduation?

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Hi nurse Beth!  I am an American citizen studying BSN in the Gulf Medical University, United Arab Emirates because my mother is deployed here for the next couple years. I read on the CGFNS website that they expect 2 years of work experience in the country studied in prior to coming to the United States. Would this really apply for me? I fear having to stay here alone just to gain work experience while the salaries are not very well and neither is the schedule, worst of all I really am afraid of staying alone without my family after my mom finishes her deployment. I am already halfway through the first semester, paid for the entire year, and do not want to leave my mom as she will be here until I graduate. Is the process for nursing studying outside of America really so difficult even if my university is "internationally benchmarked" and has the UK QAA assurance? Please let me know what you think when you have the chance. Thank you so much for your help.

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Your situation as an American citizen studying for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at Gulf Medical University in the UAE presents some unique challenges and considerations, especially regarding the requirements set by the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) for working in the United States after graduation.

First, let's address the CGFNS requirement for two years of work experience in the country where you studied. This guideline typically applies to international graduates who plan to practice nursing in the U.S. However, this requirement may not be as stringent since you are an American citizen studying abroad. While CGFNS does evaluate the qualifications of all nursing candidates, your citizenship status may provide you with more flexibility. It's essential to contact them directly to get a definitive answer regarding your specific circumstances, as they can provide the most accurate guidance based on current policies.

Your concerns about staying in the UAE alone to gain work experience are valid, mainly if you are apprehensive about being away from your family. The UAE's work environment and salary structures can differ significantly from those in the U.S., and navigating that alone can be daunting. It's essential to weigh the benefits of gaining international experience against the emotional and practical challenges of being separated from your support system.

Since you are halfway through your first semester and have committed financially to your education for the year, consider exploring options that might allow you to stay connected to your family while fulfilling any potential work requirements. Some programs or opportunities may allow you to gain relevant experience without staying in the UAE for an extended period after graduation. For example, internships, volunteer work, or clinical placements could potentially count towards the experience required by CGFNS. 

Talk to the school faculty for more information and to connect with previous students to learn about their experiences.

Very best wishes, Nurse Beth