Published Apr 25, 2012
42 Posts
I need to do a friedman family assessment paper and i have no clue on how to do it. professors gave very little information. does anyone have any info??
GitanoRN, BSN, MSN, RN
2,117 Posts
honestly, i can't recall the structure of the paper i wrote on this subject since i'm a seasoned nurse, however, below you'll find a link that might help you in organizing your thoughts regarding this subject... wishing you the very best in school and thereafter ...aloha~
realnursealso/LPN, LPN
783 Posts
2 Posts
Hi~ This is for everyone who needs to do a Friedman Family Assessment... It's really hard to be able to write this type of assessment without first looking at an example. I found a few that I would love to share. I hate that the instructors won't give you any type of example to go by. It makes me wonder if they remember what it was like to be in school...
Here's the link. I hope it helps a lot of nurses-to-be!
Just try to relax and have fun with this project. It really does help how you see the family as a whole! It's like this little light comes on in your head when you finish it because only then can you see the point of doing this assignment.