Does anyone dream wild things about school/work?

Nurses General Nursing


I tend to dream about things I am studying about, and was curious as to what I can look forward to when I get into the program. :confused:

I try not to study too close to bedtime, but I know I will have to eventually.

I tend to dream about things I am studying about, and was curious as to what I can look forward to when I get into the program. :confused:

I try not to study too close to bedtime, but I know I will have to eventually.

While in school clinicals, one that would wake me in a cold sweat involved me getting report, then looking at the clock to find that HOURS had gone by, and I hadn't yet seen all my patients. Or any of them. I'd realize that I had completely missed morning meds (talk about FREAKING out), or that I'd go from room to room trying to FIND my patients, all the while bumping into my instructor who wanted to get updates on my patients' conditions--and I had no clue.

I survived. You will, too :)

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

A nurse (dreamed this after she'd been a nurse for 15+ yrs) friend of mine dreamed that she was in Key West passing her meds down Duval St. But everyone kept getting in her way and she ended up giving her 0800, 0900, 1000, and 1200 meds at the same time. Just a little bizarre.

I dreamed a few months ago that I went through an entire shift w/o seeing, assessing, giving meds, or anything on one of my pts until report time the next time. Boy, was I glad to wake up from that one.

Specializes in cardiac med-surg.

should probably blend this thread with post traumatic nurse disorder thread

Specializes in NICU.
While in school clinicals, one that would wake me in a cold sweat involved me getting report, then looking at the clock to find that HOURS had gone by, and I hadn't yet seen all my patients. Or any of them. I'd realize that I had completely missed morning meds (talk about FREAKING out), or that I'd go from room to room trying to FIND my patients, all the while bumping into my instructor who wanted to get updates on my patients' conditions--and I had no clue.

I survived. You will, too :)

I dream this a good couple of times a week. Not too restful, LOL. But the whole time I'm trying to come up with good reasons why I haven't seen any of my patients, but nothing comes to mind. I'm usually about to give report on patients I haven't seen at all--are they still there, discharged home somehow, still alive???

I'm not sure what's worse, dreaming this or waking up totally panicked :\

Specializes in NICU.
should probably blend this thread with post traumatic nurse disorder

:D :chuckle

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