Published Aug 10, 2005
15 Posts
I guess what I am asking is "How old is too old?" ... I have looked at some stat's and it is a fairly small percentage of students who are over 40 that take the CRNA route ...I mean I know there is not supposed to be age discrimination and all .. but will a 45 year old man graduating from the CRNA program have a good future in this field ... any response welcome..
231 Posts
First of all, WELCOME to!!
We already know that age discrimination is illegal, so getting into school and work shouldn't be a problem due to age (race, sex, etc.).
Does it make a difference in the real world?? I couldn't tell ya, but there are plenty of more knowledgeable folks on this BB, so I'm sure we'll both get some insight soon enough.
As for worrying about being "too old" to go for CRNA, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!! You'll have plenty of other things to worry about - like your studies!! And where will you be in 10 years if you don't even try??
Best of luck to you!
Kiwi, BSN, RN
380 Posts
Hi Dawdett,
Every nurse should continue their education beyond the C.E.'s. I really admire you for considering additional education at the graduate level. I just graduated from NS and I'm amazed everyday by my seasoned critical care co-workers -- how they can think through a pt's various pathologies and deliver really great care. My preceptor has been an SICU nurse for 20+ years, and you know what -- she told me that she learns new things everyday (which kind of overwhelms me to fathom that)!!! When I went to nursing school, some of my classmates were in their 40's and 50's, but they were by far the most motivated hard-working students in the class. They were very serious about their path; probably due to their life experiences and focused mentality. Have you ever heard the quote "50 is the new 30"? It makes sense in this day and age. There is Traumatom on this BB who recently became a Grandpa, and is currently an SRNA.
Good luck,
198 Posts
I'm 46 and start my CRNA program next week. Throughout this process, age has only been an issue with me...not the admissions board or anyone else. As far as jobs go, I don't foresee any problems.
Being older does have its advantages: can get by with less sleep, usually more financially stable, better study habits?
Working night shift is a little harder on us though...
Good luck!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Hello and welcome to the family of allnurses. No one is ever too old to further their education or continue learning (we do it everyday of our lives). Secondly, discrimination (ageism) or any kind is illegal, so you don't have to worry about that. Good luck to you.
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
Welcome, age should not matter. What is going to matter is how you present yourself in job interviews and how you do your job during the orientation time which is usually 30 to 90 days. Read what you sign when you accept a job and make sure you have a copy of the job description and the policies that will effect you at work.
24 Posts
I will turn 45 next month and currently in a CRNA program with 3 others who are over the age 40, the oldest being 48. So far there have been no problems with our age nor do I anticipate any. We are all doing well in the program and I look forward to my new career in anesthesia. If you have the drive and determination for something new (not easy) go for it.