Doctors Hitting Nurses

Nurses Activism


In my part time civilian job the nurses have no rights. One nurse was slapped across the face in her patients room by a dr. one was choked, and the other had a knife pulled on her. All by dr's.

The cases are still pending after 13 months. The dr's are still working at this hospital. The nurses can not come back to work until the cases are resolved.

I don't know about you but I am mad as hell. I want to do something, but what?

What about the law.

Nursing has not come a long way as I see it. Our legal system is also letting this go on, and all the work nurses have done to stick up for there rights is a joke. It's a joke in the eyes of dr's, and anywhere a nurse workes, and our legal system.

Specializes in CV-ICU.

3 different nurses being assaulted and or battered by 3 different doc? What type of place IS this? WHY is there such a tolerance for violence in this workplace? And these cases are still PENDING after 13 months? WHY? I would use every one of these suggestions listed here; and I would make sure that the public was notified and told that this type of behavior was tolerated at this facility. Wouldn't it also be helpful for JCAHO to also be notified-- aren't they the people that tell us we have to report any sign of PATIENT abuse? If a patient needs to tell us of feeling unsafe, why hasn't every single nurse at that facility reported to them that they feel unsafe working there with these docs on the loose?

To me, the 3 assaulted nurses should have used every legal, regulatory and publicity means possible to bring these docs to justice and the facility to its' knees for tokerating this behavior.


Guilty as charged. That did not even dawn on me.

This is what happens when top level nurses do not support the staff nurses. The DNS at this hospital works with her tail between her legs. She denies anything ever took place.

This happened at a hospital in San Bernardino County, CA. (Palm Desert, CA) This was never reported to the police.

My guess is that this behavior is still going on, and it's not going to stop until the cover up job stops.

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