Do you think this would help Excelsior??


Specializes in psych.

I just had an idea:D although i am sure someone has thought of it before. Do you think the BONs would be more satisfied if Excelsior had some sort documented work program in which our supervisors at our jobs would fill out "time sheets" and send them to Excelsior with the amount of time that we worked with patients? Then make a set time of hours we need to work before completing the program so even those who work PRN or part time could complete it? Maybe the work program could be considered a sub for clinical time every month ??? Also, along with the documented timesheet have a signed check off list from the supervisors for skills we demonstrate or learn like patient safety, glucometer usage, vital signs, aseptic technique, clean technique, wound treatments, PO, SC, IM, and IV medication safety and administration..etc... This is basically what nursing students learn and complete in clinicals. I guess it would make our jobs almost like a paid internship. I am sure all the corpsmen, paramedics, PAs and LPNS who have a job that involves patient care could easily do this. Do you think having documented work hours with a skills list could be substituted and counted as clinical for Excelsior's program or do you think the BONs would still be stingy????

The BON's know full well that at least the LPN's have no need for further clinical hours. The objection I usually hear from RN's about that is "No FAIR!"

Thank you. Why do LPNs need clinicals?

Specializes in MICU, Burns, Med Surg.
I just had an idea:D although i am sure someone has thought of it before. Do you think the BONs would be more satisfied if Excelsior had some sort documented work program in which our supervisors at our jobs would fill out "time sheets" and send them to Excelsior with the amount of time that we worked with patients? Then make a set time of hours we need to work before completing the program so even those who work PRN or part time could complete it? Maybe the work program could be considered a sub for clinical time every month ??? Also, along with the documented timesheet have a signed check off list from the supervisors for skills we demonstrate or learn like patient safety, glucometer usage, vital signs, aseptic technique, clean technique, wound treatments, PO, SC, IM, and IV medication safety and administration..etc... This is basically what nursing students learn and complete in clinicals. I guess it would make our jobs almost like a paid internship. I am sure all the corpsmen, paramedics, PAs and LPNS who have a job that involves patient care could easily do this. Do you think having documented work hours with a skills list could be substituted and counted as clinical for Excelsior's program or do you think the BONs would still be stingy????

The problem with this is that supervised/precepted clinical experiences is that those experiences are noncompensated for students. The state BON's will tell you that a student who wishes to receive credit for clinical experiences must not have been compensated with pay. GABON specifically states this on their website in the information for educational clinical requirements, and I have found this as well on other state BON's site.

With these facts being true, I can be certain that state BON's would not accept a student working in a healthcare facility substituting for clinicals as this is prohibited.

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