Do employers have such a surplus of applicants that Respect goes out the window?

Nurses General Nursing


It seems that in this economy, since there is such a surplus of nurses and a limited number of jobs, that many employers have forgotten about Respect and Common Courtesy for applicants and people in general.

For example, I went to one interview at a Home Health agency called Americare. Everything seemed to go well, the hiring manager then gave me his card and said give him a call in a few days to find out whether or not I've been hired (the card had two phone numbers on it).... So a few days later I called to find out the status of my application and the man said he can't accept phone calls on his cell phone while at work, then hung up the phone on me. I then called the second number on the card to find out my status. I introduced myself again, explained why I was calling ,but again he hung up the phone. So I stopped calling, a week later I sent an email to find out my status,but I never got a return email, and months later I still haven't gotten even a letter in the mail.

I understand that employers have many applicants, but for goodness sake, whatever happened to manners and just plain old repect for other people. Applicants too invest time and resources to go on an interview, we deserve some basic Respect, regardless of how many applications an employer has before them.

Has anyone else had similar experiences lately?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Academics.
I just told you my (too long) story to show that apparently some people are disrespectful even if they're hurting for staff and there isn't a surplus of applicants.

Sounds like they were hurting for staff because of the way they acted. It is vicious cycle that no one noticed or did anything about, and now, in this economy, it will only become worse for those places that allowed this type of culture to engrain itself and unemployed people are more willing to brush all the red flags aside.

This lack of respect is not only while job is while employed also.

I am a nurse with Many years of experience. I do some travel and agency work. I do NOT get the respect a professional deserves.

Many factors involved, not the least of it is a female profession.

Best of luck in your search.

I am male and I get disrespected all the time! However, I too believe the primary cause is that the predominantly female profession of nursing will not stand up for itself and demand respect! Frankly, even in this era of anti-union sentiment we need a national union more than ever! The nurses in California are brave but it is not enough to get national attention. We need every voice in nursing heard and the rights of patients protected. Hospital administration across the country is destroying nursing and they are planning on hurting us more. Our grievances are clear and not even related to pay. Nurse to patient ratios, unsafe pulling practices, lack of equipment, unsafe work environments, lack of support staff are all at the top of the list. If we don't create a national union now to have our voices heard we never will and the future of nursing is doomed!

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