Do CNAd get Daisy’s Award Pins?


I was so excited to see that I got a Daisy’s award from one of my patients ! I got the card and it said “Thank You !” From my manager. I did not receive the pin but I was happy that the patient wrote one for me.

Another nurse (RN) on the u it got a daisy award and a letter AND a pin with a daisy on it. I’m happy for her as she is an AMAZING nurse. I just was curious why I (CNA) didn’t get a pin or a letter. Just curious. ?

Specializes in PICU.

Depends... it could be that you were nominated, but were not selected. SOmetimes hospitals have a selection committee for everyone that was nominated. Usually the committee selects one person a month amongst the multiple nominations they receive.

So yes, a family could have nominated by you, which is great, Managers sometimes will give a thanks for being nominated, but it is different than being selected.


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