Displaying Lapel Pins


Specializes in Neonatal.

At this time in my career I've accumulated a few lapel pins I'd like to display while I work, but it's not practical to put them directly on my top each shift. Being that there is more than one, I can't really put it through my badge (plus, they are cracking down on that practice). So, for those of you that wear them, what do you use to display them while your working?

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Float Pool/Stepdown.

Lanyard with my badge clipped in at the hook thingie. I just put the pins through the material on each side in a way that faces out when it's around my neck. Not recommended if you work in psych (but I don't).

Specializes in Neonatal.

If I could wear a lanyard it would be perfect, but I can't since I work in the NICU because of our infection prevention policies.

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