Discouraged with school


I'm currently enrolled at CNI, where I'm extremely unhappy. I had to take Term 2 over again, (not the reason why I hate that school) the clinical instructors are horrible, I'm sick of being disrespected and treated lower than dirt. I'm just becoming very discouraged. Unfortunately my school is making me second guess my career in nursing; it's to the point where I don't even know if I want to do this anymore. It's just so hard to separate the negativity of the schools administration and my future job as a nurse (knock on wood). I don't know if should transfer schools (which CNI makes it a pain to do) or just stick thru 6 more months of this hell. Any words of advice or encouragement would be so helpful

Nursing school is hard everywhere, but keep in mind that my school is risking to get closed next year so in one way I am thankful that they are running the program. Look positively you will be fine

I had to take Term 2 over again, (not the reason why I hate that school) the clinical instructors are horrible, I’m sick of being disrespected and treated lower than dirt.

what exactly is the problem? are you falling behind in your studies and not making grade? are the instructors singling you out?

school can be grueling. the non-stop pressure of keeping up is not for everyone.

No one can tell you whether you are called to be a nurse or not. I get discouraged and doubt myself sometimes. Hang on until you can get some steady patient contact. They will let you know real quick whether you are a nurse or not.

I have been a small business person all my life. All businesses are tough! In advertising you would find yourself being yelled at from artists, clients, bosses, pressmen, and competing sales people. Newbies and students in all professions are targets. Treat the bullies with "screaming silence". Call them to the side for a one on one. Listen. Listen. Learn. Learn. Then, and only then..............If they persist, go to your bully's supervisor. Tell them you would like to work out your differences with a referee. They will admire that. It's professionalism. Walk them to the boss a time or two, and it will quit. Think first! What has your behavior been like? Confess any problems you've had quickly.

Most of the bullies in this business wear panties and they are usually good people hiding behind a gruff exterior. Get your good feelings about yourself from inside. Do what you have to do to get your goals. Don't listen to the noise. Listen to your heart and your patients. There's a place for you! You can't fail till you quit. You push, and I'll pull.

A New Start

Hey wiggi,

Keep your chin up and keep your self out of the drama. Focus on school and since you are half way through, don't start the second guessing your decision. If you find that nursing on the "people" side isn't for you, there are so many other things you can do that having your nursing background will help you with.

The post from A New Start is correct, I've chosen nursing as my second profession, the first being in a totally different industry for close to 20 years. I've been yelled at, back stabbed, talked about, butt kissed and butt kicked and that's the way of the world. I'm not saying it's right, it's not, but learn some effective coping stratagies and find some people that will support you and listen to you and not stir up the drama and that will be a step in the right direction.

I wish you the best of luck!


I've read many threads on here about ppl being discouraged and wanting to give up, that being said it seems like a common thing.

If the instructors are a problem and being unfair you should talk to someone above them, like the Dean of your school, or the director of your program about what's going on. Maybe they will talk to the teachers or at least look into it and see if others feel the way you do.

There are always going to be negative people and situations that you will have to deal with in life and the more you overcome those, the easier it will become to deal with it in life. If you quit you are just taking two steps back, and it usually comes back to haunt you. I look at life as a test, when you are put through really hard things it's for a reason, and you will never be given anything harder than you can handle. But, that's just my opinion ;)

I say give it all you got, show those teachers that you can do it! I wish you all the best and hope that things get easier for you b/c I know it's easy to say the things I said when I haven't been through what you're going through. But, I have quit something important before and it was one of the worst mistakes I've ever made and it was all because I had a bad day/week. I just hate to see someone else quit something b/c of the people around them.

Again, Good luck, and let us know how things go :redbeathe

My school is the crappiest school too, but I figure ok...pass that NCLEX and get my license in hand....and work....thats all I keep thinking..plug plug plug....:).

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