Direct Entry MSN Programs 2013


Anyone on here applying to direct entry MSN programs that begin in summer or fall of 2013? I think I have finalized my list of programs to apply to, and I am beginning to get everything together to start applying this summer/early fall (I know this is rather early, but I'm a bit anxious and I was wondering if there was anyone else on this board who is just as excited as me!). I am pretty certain that I will be applying to UPenn, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Northeastern, University of Massachusetts, Boston College, Columbia, Vanderbilt, and Marquette. I am also applying to a few accelerated BSN programs in my state (Florida) - UCF and UF, for sure. I have all of my prerequisite courses completed, and currently have a 3.76, but my BS is still in progress and I have to retake the GRE this summer. I look forward to hearing from other people!

Although I am waiting to hear from one more school this year (which I will find out today or tomorrow), I am in the process of thinking about how I am going to approach this new application season if need be. Trust me on this that it is never to early to start! Last year when I was looking to apply, I began looking around this time at colleges before putting my essays and applications together (I think the essays were the toughest part) aside from the amounting cost to apply to the different graduate schools. The schools you are applying for seem to be common schools i've noticed others have been applying for. Have you considered schools on the on the western part of the states?

There have been a few schools on the western part of the country I've looked into, but I'm just unsure that I'd like living over there. What schools would you recommend looking at? I'm a bit restricted because I have only taken intro to chemistry, so that plays a factor in which schools I can apply to...

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

Just want to say, "best of luck."

I'm a DEMSN grad from 2009 and I can identify with your sense of anxiety as well as your excitement and enthusiasm. I hope everything works out for you.

Thank you! Any advice? I am retaking the GRE this summer.

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

I would certainly encourage you to attend a school in the area in which you'd like to work. As I'm sure you know, new grads of all types are facing severe competition in getting that first job. The most common way to get hired is to be picked up by an institution in which you did a preceptorship during your program (though a few of my classmates found jobs through conventional means).

I'd also encourage you to pad your educational resume with as many upper division classes as you're able to take and excel in.

Finally, be prepared to have a compelling story. I don't know what the numbers are like now but I think our admission rate of qualified candidates was about 20%.

Thank you so much for the advice!!! Do you mind me asking what program you graduated from, and what your stats were? I'm most worried about two W's on my transcript (I have a high GPA, though) and getting a high enough score on the GRE.

Hey there! Just got done with this years application cycle- 2 rejections and 1 waitlist. I got rejected from Seattle U and Northeastern, waitlisted at Vandy. My advice is to work on your story for sure. I wasn't prepared for my interviews. I didn't pull from my experiences in healthcare enough- because I don't have a lot of experience! I think that's what did it for me- the lady who interviewed me at northeastern said "get more experience". That's the biggie. I also wasn't finished with my prerequisites, and I think that is an easy way for them to say "okay, your off the list" because so many people are finished when they submit the applications in fall. I took all of mine in fall and then spring and now one more in summer, so they had no grades to look at- just my grades from UF when I got my bachelors there and none of those classes were science based. I will be applying next year. The process is exhausting, and I'm right there with you... best of luck!

BTW I have a 3.9 and 1080 GRE, 4.0 in prerequisites. I know I like looking at stats haha so there are mine!

How funny, I'm in my undergrad at UF right now! What did you major in? Did you ever consider applying to the accelerated BSN program at UF since it only takes a year, and then going on and getting your MSN/DNP somewhere else? That could be something else you look into for next year! You sound extremely competitive, especially for that program. I don't think they take healthcare experience into consideration for the ABSN program. Thanks so much for the advice, I greatly appreciate it. I finished my prerequisites in 2011, but my prereq GPA is only a 3.6. I have been volunteering at Shands for 2 years now, have done lots of shadowing, and have a lot of healthcare related experience (volunteered at UF Mobile Bus, I'm getting involved with the Equal Access Clinic, involved in healthcare related clubs, have a mandatory health related internship at the end of my bachelor's, etc), and a good story for my essays regarding why I want to work in pediatric critical care (the specialty I want to apply to - it is in regards to a patient I met). Your GPA is so high, and so is your prerequisite GPA! Same with your GRE scores. I am certain you will receive admission to a school next year! Where will you be applying?

I am pretty certain that I will be applying to UPenn, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Northeastern, University of Massachusetts, Boston College, Columbia, Vanderbilt, and Marquette. I am also applying to a few accelerated BSN programs in my state (Florida) - UCF and UF, for sure. I have all of my prerequisite courses completed, and currently have a 3.76, but my BS is still in progress and I have to retake the GRE this summer. I look forward to hearing from other people!

I'm also looking at a 2013 start and your list of target schools is similar to my own, but I've started to give my list a rethink. I have a BA in government from the University of Texas (1992) and I'm currently taking the science prerequisites at a local community college here in Atlanta. My overall GPA is 3.6 with a 4.0 in the prerequisites. I just took the [new] GRE in April and got a 164 verbal and 157 math. After a 15 year career in software, I am now a CNA with about a year's experience, but will only have about half the prereqs complete by the time I apply.


A few thoughts:


1. Am I missing something or does Boston College offer a uniquely quick program at just under 2 years? Any others in this timeframe? (at my age program length is more important!)


2. I appreciate the earlier post about going to school where you want to work....makes sense. But I'm most interested in rural underserved populations which exist in a lot of places far away from the northern/northeastern direct entry programs. I'm hoping any qualified NP from most any school will be appreciated in Wyoming, New Mexico, Alaska, etc.., any thoughts?


3. I'm socially friends with a NP at a Minute Clinic, which are solo practices inside CVS pharmacies. She went to a very low ranked NP school, but says her new job offers are almost weekly. Do we think the rankings are very important in real life to getting a job? Seems in real life it doesn't come up, but maybe it does in the Boston area and others with so many schools around...or perhaps it's more relevant in prestigious employers at highly sought- after locations?


...4. ...and speaking of the CVS type jobs, those seem fine for me, a least as a start. Maybe not forever, but are there any reasons to avoid them?



...Ok, enough babbling for now...Commancer

Specializes in allergy and asthma, urgent care.

I'm a 2009 grad (FNP) of Boston College's Masters Entry program. Yes, it is quick, one reason being that you don't get a BSN-MSN, you get a RN-MSN. You also have very little time off during the program. No long winter or summer breaks!!! I do think the BC name helped open some doors, but didn't matter in many cases. It was a pretty intense, stressful 2 years, but I also wanted to be back in the job market as quickly as possible.

I had no trouble getting a job after graduation. I think the market has tightened up a little in the Boston area since 2009 for new grads. I recently changed jobs and had several good offers after only one month of searching. I switched from working in primary care to a specialty practice.

I was a National Health Service Loan Repayer-I worked in a very low income urban community health center for 2 years and got $50,000 (in addition to my salary) to pay off my loans. That sum is now up to $60,000 for a 2 year committment, but I've heard these awards are becoming more difficult to get. Google NHSC and check out their website for job listings. I believe the program is only open to FNPs, ANPs, PMHNPs who go into primary care (for PMHNPs-work in an underserved area).

I have not heard any issues with working for CVS, except they tend to move you from store to store frequently. Also, you won't get any experience managing chronic health issues there.

Anything else I can tell you???

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