Diploma Program/Brockton Hospital School of Nursing


Can someone please explain the difference between a regular school and a diploma program? From what I have gathered online, it appears that a diploma school may have more clinical hours and less classroom time. I have a Bachelors and a Masters already and am looking at all options (leaning toward ABSN), but I'm very intrigued by Brockton Hospital School of Nursing, which happens to be a diploma school. I know that I'll have to bridge, after the fact in order to work at any hospitals closer to Boston, but I'm curious if anyone has gone to this school and/or if you could give any insight into whether going to a diploma school is a good idea. Thank you!

Wait, you already have a bachelor's AND a master's and you're considering a diploma program? Honestly, I think it would be a waste of time and money for you to do anything less than a BSN program. You're adding two steps if you enter the diploma program, unless you're not planning on getting your BSN at all in the future. I would go for the ABSN, be done in a year, and get it over with. That diploma program is a two year program. Sure it looks interesting, but ultimately it's going to take longer and cost you a lot more than an ABSN probably would. (Unless you do one of those like 90k+ programs lol)

Specializes in Adult and Pediatric Vascular Access, Paramedic.

I would NOT do a nursing diploma program because even with your other degrees you will have a VERY hard time finding a job, especially as a new grad!!

Hospitals want and ADN at the minimum and most prefer BSN candidates, especially in Boston. If you apply as a diploma grad and your competition has an ADN or BSN , guess who will get the job! Hospitals don't seem to care much if you have non nursing degrees.

This advise is especially true if you are in Massachusetts, as there are few new grad jobs and LOTS of new grads looking.

Good luck


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