Published Mar 11, 2014
6 Posts
I'm from Philippines, currently residing in states. I was 2 years away from graduating nursing and my immigration paperwork went through and I had to come here to states. My concern is that.... Should I go home and finish my 2 years or just try to get evaluated here in states and finish it here? Im in a big dilemma because I was thinking since I'm planning to reside here might as well finish it here but I'm afraid that it would not credit and I'll be going back to square 1 and i do not know how the nursing program works here and i'm still doing my research about the matter. Your help would greatly be appreciated
475 Posts
Quite honestly I would stay here and finish. Yes you may have to start from square 1, but I have heard many stories about non-US nurses not being able to transfer their schoolwork here. If you are certain you are going to reside in the US then I would rather start here and have no trouble after finishing than finish in the Philippines and have much difficulty transferring a license here.
I am really sorry. I was just trying to weigh my options with my decisions and to top that I don't know how to use this website. but anyways, this is really the story....
I am currently residing in USA as a permanent resident. When I was at Philippines I was an incoming 4th year nursing student. During the summer of 2013 my application when through and I received my visa, I had no choice but to leave my last year of nursing and reside in USA. Since then I was in a dilemma whether where i should finish my nursing.. My first option was... getting my credits assessed and transfer it to a university here in USA. I am aware that they might not recognize a lot of them but if it means they might recognized some of them so, i guess its worth a try.
my second option was to go back to philippines and finish it. I was okay with that too but my most concern was. I was not planning to get a re-entry permit since I only have roughly 10 months left before graduation. I was thinking of flying back and fourth during semester break and graduation but then i read from tons and tons and tons of blog in the internet that the customs might deem me of abandoning my residency esp. if i declare that i'm going to school in a foreign country and have not applied for a re-entry permit..
yes. you might say why not apply now. well. I can't apply anymor for a re-entry permit because it takes roughly a month or two to get a biometric appointment by that time i need to be in philippines to enroll and start my last year of nursing. so i really am in a big dilemma here. i do not know what to do. i'm being indecisive and i don't know if its worth it getting my credits assessed her and just go to school here and i don't even know if its even more worth it going back to philippines and get it over with and apply for nclex here all the paperwork stuff. so, thats the story. any inputs? any advice is welcome.
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
Check with the schools you're thinking of attending in the US about the possibility of transferring credits. I will say, most programs will only transfer non-nursing courses. Many programs in the US do not recognize nursing degrees earned outside the US. So, be prepared to have to retake nursing courses.
It was unclear from your post if you plan on residing in the US once you're done or return to the Philippines. If you're not going to stay in the US, I'd finish in the Philippines. If you are going to reside in the US, then finish your degree in the US. Check the state Board of Nursing website in the state you plan to reside to see if they recognize a nursing degree from the Philippines, if you're set on finishing there.
I plan on residing in US once i'm done.. but weighing options between going back to nursing school in USA which would obviously cost me time and lots of money (which i do not have) compared to finishing my one last year of nursing school in Philippines. Option #2 is likely tempting. I'm planning to apply in the state of Michigan for Foreign educated nurses they need a CES - professional course by course and IELTS/TOEFL. I called CGFNS and they told me it was taught in english they can waive the ielts/toefl for me but the board of nursing in michigan stated that FGN needs ielts/toefl so i might have to take it still.