Difference between a "fad" and a real passion


I had posted this in another thread, but I realized that it could be it's own and I might get a better understanding of who really has the passion to become a nurse. Please post your opinions, I am eager to see everyones views. How can you tell the difference between a fad and an actual passion for wanting to be a nurse?

Ok, I'm a Junior in HS and I really want to be a nurse. I hate the thought of how long nursing school is, and I just wish that I could start my job as a nurse right now. I am a very responsible person and I truly love to help people out, I also like humor in my life. My only concern is that I will lose this passion for nursing, not that I'll get bored of it, but I'll realize it's not what I dreamed it would be. I know it's not always a glamorous job and that it's very stressful at times. When I hear about the pro's of nursing in threads such as a patient saying "thank you" or knowing that you've brightened their day, I think of myself being able to do that and how good it'll make me feel. The con's don't seem to be scaring me too much, I am definetly not afraid to get my hands dirty, I've worked with horses 5 years and have never minded getting dirty, it just means I did a good job.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, did you have a passion like this before nursing school, and have you kept it? and Does my interest in nursing just seem like a fad to you, since I'm so anxious to get started but am unsure about the future?

I've read many posts on this board, and it helps me to think that many, many other people have the same fear as I do and don't want to fail. Math and Science are definetly not my strong point, but I think I can work through that. One of my best friends is a nurse and she thinks I would make a good nurse, or a doctor(I'm not so sure about that!) but I think I'm lacking in the confidence department, is that a bad sign? I am currently involved in a medical explorers program and I love it, I can't wait until the next meeting.

Thanks for reading my post and helping me out, I know everyone else has the same worries I do, I just concerned that it is a fad and that I won't cut it as a nurse

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Honey, EVERYBODY worries about not being able to cut it......even when we're years into our careers! About losing one's passion: one does "grow into" a nursing career after awhile, and I can tell you that there are times when we seriously question the wisdom of going into this field, for not every day is full of grateful patients and good saves. But I don't think a nurse *loses* his/her passion for nursing, any more than a long-time married couple loses their passion for each other or a college professor loses his passion for education. If you are truly meant to be a nurse, you'll find a way to do it, and you will very likely do it well. Don't worry endlessly about whether or not you CAN do it........the only way to know for sure is to DO it.

In the meantime, you might want to train as a nursing assistant so you can find out for sure if you can handle the "uglier" side of nursing (poop, puke, and other bodily emissions). You'll also learn basic nursing skills such as taking vital signs, performing activities of daily living, skin care and other valuable tasks that you'll use throughout your life. In Oregon, where I live, sixteen year olds are eligible for training and certification; check your state's Nurse Practice Act to find out the minimum age where you live. Good luck to you, and let me know how you're doing.

Specializes in ICU.

MJ - I could not have said it better!

The other course is to do a CNA course and word as an aide somewhere for a while. You do not have to start at the top. In fact it is often BETTER to start at the low end of the ladder and work your way up. It may look like a longer climb but there is less liklihood of slipping.

To MagicCookie,

Give it a go, what have you got to loose? As my mother has always told me (a retired nursing sister herself), don't regret the things you have done in life, regret the things you have not done. Wise words I think. If you start nursing, and decide that it is not for you, you will have lost nothing, infact, you can walk away being richer in knowledge and confidence. Take a deep breath and go for it - you know you want to. All the best.

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