Did I register with Pearson VUE too earyl?


Hi all,

I recently graduated nursing school and am in the process of scheduling the NCLEX. Here are my sequence of events:

1. Sent in my application to NY State BON on April 23rd.

2. Applied online with Pearson VUE on April 23rd.

3. Graduated May 12th

4. School sent information to NYS May 20th.

-Currently waiting for ATT.

My question:

Does it matter that I registered with Pearson that early? I did it that early because I had the money available at that time. I hope there is no expiration/time limit on how long the registration is good for. Please let me know!


Specializes in Hospice.

No..you should be fine.

Your test window will only open once pearson gets the "OK" from the state. You won't lose any test window time for applying to Pearson early.

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