Did anyone else get sick over the NCLEX?


Hey everyone. Im going to graduate in May and have a job waiting in the OR but the idea of the NCELX makes me just sick to my stomach! I have a review course set up through my school and then signed up for another with Kaplan. I heard Kaplan is supposed to be the best. Any one else have some suggestions? I think that day might just be the scariest one of my life!:uhoh21:

Hey everyone. Im going to graduate in May and have a job waiting in the OR but the idea of the NCELX makes me just sick to my stomach! I have a review course set up through my school and then signed up for another with Kaplan. I heard Kaplan is supposed to be the best. Any one else have some suggestions? I think that day might just be the scariest one of my life!:uhoh21:

Hi there. Yes, the thought of the NCLEX made me very nervous. I changed my test date 3 times before going to take it. I felt even worse when my friend called me after she took the NCLEX and said how terrible it was. That didn't help with my anxiety. It turned out that she passed. I took it 5 months after I graduated. I studied the ENTIRE Kaplan book by listening to the online lectures with my Kaplan book. It was like having someone to study with and it definitely kept me focused and on track. I mean really, when its time to study for your boards-and you look at that fat med-surg book....it's hard to stay on track. Just pay for the Kaplan and study, study, study. I did pass the first time so the hard work paid off. Others will say to just go take the test and there are those students who do not study for it and pass. I think it depends on the person and how confident you are about your knowledge and critical thinking skills. Kaplan will say in their online classroom lectures....."this is a subject that is frequently tested on the NCLEX.....you need to know the signs & symptoms, what to monitor for, how to position, the lab values and yada yada yada." I'm glad I took the kaplan and would recommend it to any graduate nurse. :nurse: We all go through this...you will get through it. Good luck.

I forgot to say that 2 days before I took the NCLEX my right eye kept twitching. The day I took the test my eye was twitching!! In the beginning of the test it took me some time to get comfortable. I would read the question up to 3 or four times. The way I looked at it was that I could take my time with 75 or so questions or rush through and have a longer test. I took my time and I think the machine turned off around 78 or 80. My eye stopped twitching the day after the test. I was a big stress case. I would suggest to go out to dinner the night before the test, soak in a hot tub or do what ever you enjoy doing....Relax.

Relax...you'll be just fine. Easy for me to say now because I was in your shoes a few months ago. that is exactly why I say to RELAX because the stress simply was not worth it! Be on your toes but don't let your anxiety get the best of you. I took kaplan (classroom/online) soon after graduation and it trully helped me get through this test. I passed with 75 questions, I took my sweet time so 2 1/2 hours later, it was over. All I can say it that Kaplan was worth it, plus they are backed by a 100% money back garantee (should someone fail). Some hospital even reimburse the kaplan fee (should you pass) So you see, it's a win-win situation. Goo luck!

Hey everyone. Im going to graduate in May and have a job waiting in the OR but the idea of the NCELX makes me just sick to my stomach! I have a review course set up through my school and then signed up for another with Kaplan. I heard Kaplan is supposed to be the best. Any one else have some suggestions? I think that day might just be the scariest one of my life!:uhoh21:

Go to the NCLEX Discussion Board right here at allnurses.com, and you'll see pages of messages from people who are exactly, precisely in your shoes. :)

As to your opening question.....I don't think I've ever downed quite so much Pepto Bismol and Advil as I did in the week prior to and the days following that exam!

Specializes in Did the job hop, now in MS. Not Bad!!!!!.
Go to the NCLEX Discussion Board right here at allnurses.com, and you'll see pages of messages from people who are exactly, precisely in your shoes. :)

As to your opening question.....I don't think I've ever downed quite so much Pepto Bismol and Advil as I did in the week prior to and the days following that exam!

OMG, so true!!! I've been a total GI mess since prepping for, taking, waiting for results, and trying to recover with my big fat P-A-S-S!! Yes, it's sickening. Yes I took Kaplan. But nothing I reheorificed for months was on the test. I passed w/ 76 questions. Feared for my very existence, then relished in the 48 hour quick result.

Check out the NCLEX discussion forum. they are very supportive.

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