I know you can't really give me answers to my questions, so I am just looking to some hope. How long can someone live by taking dailysis/diabetes? My brother is 33 yr old diabetic and has been on dialysis for 5 yrs. He has gone blind from his diabetes and was born deaf and has been in and out of the hospital so many times I can't keep count with them anymore. But this time I am not so sure he is going to be coming out. He is is starting to have heart trouble now and it's not looking good. They are wanting to do a quadruple bypass on him but doctors are unsure if he will make it through the surgery.
I know I should not be thinking so negative, but it is so hard to see my little brother suffering this way. Everyday I ask myself just how much more can he take. I know that some people go through more than this in their lives but it is so hard to have to watch your own family member going through this.