Depressed and need advice


Not medical advice. I am feeling depressed and anxious and wanted to ask my pcp for a referal to psych. However, I'm not sure if I'm uncomfortable asking him since he brings his kids to my current job , a peds office. My job has a lot to do with my issues so in just wondering how some of you might feel disclosing this information. I was even thinking of switching providers so it wouldn't be weird... Idk am I just over reacting??

Specializes in Pedi.

Well, there are two sides to this. When he is your doctor, he is a professional. When he brings his kids to your office, he is a parent. I have so many doctors and am just waiting for the day when I have to take care of one of their kids. You will not be the first patient to ask him for a psych referral and he doesn't need to know the details- you can save that for the psych. If you really feel that you are uncomfortable with him as your doctor, by all means change providers.

More than.likely it wont effect anything

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