Denver School of Nursing Admission Rates?


Specializes in Family Medicine, Plastic Surgery.

Hi! My name is Nichol and I am entering my last two semesters of nursing pre-reqs at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. I will be apply to nursing programs next summer to begin in late summer/fall of 09. I wanted to know for those of you who are attending the DSN, what are the admission rates? I will be applying to the baccaulaureate program, my grades are really strong. I have a BS in Journalism and a BA in Political Science, my GPA for those was a 3.5 but my pre-reqs GPA is 4.0 so far. I have strong writing skills because of my journalism degree but I am sooo scared I have put all of this work into school and I wont get into a nursing program. I have a firm idea what the admission is like for Metro, Regis and UCHSC but I don't know about DSN. What would you DSN students say really got you into the program? Thank you in advance for all of your help and advice!:bow:

Hi! My name is Nichol and I am entering my last two semesters of nursing pre-reqs at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. I will be apply to nursing programs next summer to begin in late summer/fall of 09. I wanted to know for those of you who are attending the DSN, what are the admission rates? I will be applying to the baccaulaureate program, my grades are really strong. I have a BS in Journalism and a BA in Political Science, my GPA for those was a 3.5 but my pre-reqs GPA is 4.0 so far. I have strong writing skills because of my journalism degree but I am sooo scared I have put all of this work into school and I wont get into a nursing program. I have a firm idea what the admission is like for Metro, Regis and UCHSC but I don't know about DSN. What would you DSN students say really got you into the program? Thank you in advance for all of your help and advice!:bow:

Hi Nicole!

From what I know about DSON, they would accept anyone who completed the pre-re classes, doesn't matter how good or bad gpa is. Since they have 4 starting dates in a year, you would get into the program eventually, and their waiting lists are often shorter (about 3-5 months of waiting list) than most schools I know make sure to check their website for their pre-re classes information. The only downside of the DSON is their tuition, which is expensive just like other private schools.

Actually I believe CU Denver (or Metro - can't remember) has a BSN program where you have to have a bachelors in a different field and then you may apply to their BSN program. Check it out.

Specializes in Triage, MedSurg, MomBaby, Peds, HH.
Actually I believe CU Denver (or Metro - can't remember) has a BSN program where you have to have a bachelors in a different field and then you may apply to their BSN program. Check it out.

Metro, Regis and CU all have Accelerated BSN options for those with a prior Bachelor's.

Best of luck, OP!

I have a couple more classes to take before having all my pre-reqs complete for the BSN completion option at Denver School of Nursing. My question is, do you have to have all your pre-reqs done before applying or do they just all need to be done by the program start date? I am hoping I can apply this summer and continue to finish pre-reqs until the actual program starts.

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