Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Nclex


What state can I apply for RN license with DACA status?

I applied for South Carolina license but I got rejected because of my DACA status. I have contacted board of nursing for other states weather I am eligible to get license and they did not give me clear answer. Some state board of nursing does not even know what DACA is...

Please HELP!

Im trying to figure that out myself..i think someone said in Ny you can sit for the the test but they wont give u a license unless you have lawful status ie. Greencard or visa, which makes no sense at all..i live in NYC and i will be applying for nclex soon. Have you found out anything yet?

I live in South Carolina and I'm currently in the nursing program. I have a DACA immigration status. Since I got accepted into the nursing program, i figured I'd be able to sit for the NCLEX because that's why I'm in the nursing program right? But no, I can't sit for the program. I had to call various offices and had to talk to like 10 people, everyone telling me different things. Finally, they told me I wouldn't be able to sit for the exam and I have to take the exam within 3 years of graduating the program. They told me that I can not sit for the exam to get the RN license since I have no permanent status, and DACA is only a 2 year temporary permission. (If you applied after Feb. 2015, its 3 years now) I am really frustrated, cried for many nights, not knowing what to do. Since the government has not made any advances for DACA immigrants, I am considering dropping out of the nursing program, since I wont be able to get a license and or work. Please please please help me! I really want to finish my nursing program and be awesome nurse, but I am crushed and depressed, and I simply dont know what to do. I dont mind moving to another state or anything. Please provide me with any information you can. THANK YOU.

I received the bad news today :( my application has been rejected here in NEBRASKA, because of my DACA status. I'm also trying to find out if any other state would allow me to take the nclex and obtain my license.

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