Published Dec 7, 2018
10 Posts
Okay so I know this is long but I have to explain. The semester ended December 6th and grades go in December 10th by 9am. This semester (fall 2018) I took biology and biology lab. In my biology class I passed every test which I was shocked by because I heard biology was very very hard. In my biology class my final grade is either a B or an A. In my biology lab class we had 4 practicals the first practical I made an 90, the second practical I made a 80. For my third and fourth practical I have absolutely no idea what I made, because my teacher doesn't like to give grades back. This entire semester from August to December she only let us know our grades twice. The first time she let me know my grade I had a 76%. The last time she let me know my grade ( before I took the last 2 practicals) I had an 82%. Since the last time she let me know my grade I've taken 2 practicals which were very hard. I don't know if I'll pass the class. Let me explain the grading scale
The reason I feel I strongly failed is because I don't know my grade before the presentation and I didn't present my presentation. So I don't have a lot of points for that. My sister was my lab partner and she didn't want to present and I'm not going to say I let her influence me because I have my own mind, but she got to me a little and my nerves are really bad when it comes to presentations. I've did every presentation in every other class that she wasn't in btw. I was nervous to present in those classes but I told myself I would never let a presentation come in the way of me passing or failing a class. Im disappointed because I did just that in my lab class. I'm also disappointed because my sister is failing the lab class (badly) and she doesn't care. My lab teacher actually told me I have a lot of patience when it comes to my sister and it's time to cut the cord and move on without her because she's not going to make it in the healthcare field. My teacher also told me I am going to be a great nurse. I feel like not presenting and losing 15% of my overall final grade hurt me real bad, and also I didn't know my grade before presentations. I can't believe I didn't present it was a mistake. That's the thing about mistakes I learn from it. I will always present a presentation whether nerves get in my way or not. Now I can't sleep because I can't believe I failed because I didn't present. So basically I pass the biology class and fail the lab class. Next semester ( Spring 2018) I'm signed up for A&P 1 and A&P1 Lab and Biol 2 and Biology 2 lab. Being that I strongly feel I failed this lab class. Should I try and take it again spring semester or take another science sequence? Either physics or chemistry?
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
A lot of schools require taking (and passing) BIO 101 before you can advance to A&P or BIO 102. You may have to retake it.
Check with an academic advisor at your school.
1,007 Posts
It really doesn't matter how many times your teacher told you your grade during the semester. What does matter is you did not do a presentation that accounts for 15% of your total grade. That decision is completely on you, not your sister or your teacher. Now that I'm done lecturing what you already know, just take a deep breath and wait for the final grades to be posted. You might be surprised. If it is a worst-case scenario and you did fail the class, check into retaking it and face it agaiin. You'll get through this! Also, listen to your teacher's words of encouragement. Hang in there--you'll make it!