Day shift vs Night shift

Nurses General Nursing


I just got hired for my first RN job on med surg tele floor in a residency program and they have put me on day shift 7a-7p. She said after my 10 week residency I can do nights if I prefer but they do need day shift. Nights pay 3/hr more. I have a four year old tho and I figured it'd be nice to see her every night. And oddly enough with where I live I'd be in horrible traffic with night shift unless I always took the toll roads. But I still need some input.

Can any one give me the pros and cons of day shift vs night shift other than the pay difference? Or give me your own experience with either one or both?

My Gfs mom has been A night Nurse for 15 years. A charge nurse for the nigh shift for 6. She enjoys it. I could see why she says its much easier than during the day as it is more hectic. I personally would prefer night than to day the night just flys by IMO.

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