Published Apr 6, 2011
34 Posts
Hi i just finished my cna program and i was giving a 90 day letter stating that i completed the course. im really in need of a job and i was wondering will LCT hiring my with the 90 letter?
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
Depending on the State you reside in, you may have to be Certified by the State through a testing procedure and pass that test before anyone will hire you.
KimberlyRN89, BSN, RN
1,641 Posts
In my state, a "90 day letter" was actually a temporary license. It is possible to get a job with a temp.license but for me, in my experience, the only people that really willing to give me a job were home health agencies. And being newly certified, I just didn't want to start out in home health. Just my 2 cents though.
and that statte do u live in kimberly
I live in Maryland.