Hey, guys. How is everyone doing? Happy early Thanksgiving!
So, I'm having a bit of a problem. I need help writing this DAR note. We were given a situation and asked to write a DAR note and what the patient has. I know some of it, but am confused on other parts.
Provider's Order IV RL @ 125CC/hr x 3 liters
Infusing now: RL @ 125cc/hr via 18 gauge intra-catheter in right wrist
IV started: 11/24/08 @ 0300
Time now: 11/24/08 @ 0930
IV site: without pain, pain level 0/10
* Cool to touch
* Edema around insertion site approx 10cm in diameter
No leakage from insertion site, insertion site blanched
Meds: Gentamycin 80mg IVPB due 11/24/08 @ 10:00
So, the data for this would be provider's order, what is infusing now, time started? would this also include the fact that there is an edema around the insertion site, or is this considered response (since it's a response to the medication the pt. is given)?
action is changing the IV RL (I haven't figured out what time you have to do this, yet), giving gentamycin at 10:00
response is pt denies pain, 0/10 on a pain scale
The patient has edema????
I'm really confused about this.