Published May 24, 2010
byrd262, BSN, RN
112 Posts
Can someone please describe the role of an RN working in a busy pediatric office? I am considering a non-hospital position but want to know what to expect. I'm sure that immunizations are a role of the RN but what else? Phone triage? Patient/family education? Reading TB tests?
Any information would be appreciated!
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
Oh, you'll be doing so much more than that! Height, weight and head circumference measurements (for infants), blood pressure on certain children with chronic illnesses, helping undress and redress little ones, helping with specimen collection, chaperoning exams on adolescent girls, simple visual acuity testing, ensuring lab results and xray reports are available on the chart, and dozens of other tasks are all part of the job.