CVC mess-up?

Nurses General Nursing


Hi, new RN here, and I am hoping someone can help set my mind at ease/ advise me about something that I did on my shift today, that I can't get off my mind.

When disconnecting a central line IV infusion, I inadvertently disconnected the needless access device along with the tubing, and didn't realize. Then I flushed it and capped it, all correctly and safely, just without the actual device in place (directly into the port). I clamped it safely before completely emptying the flush, and it remained clamped and capped throughout the shift.

Later, the next nurse alerted me that I had disconnected the access device and showed me. My heart dropped into my stomach, but neither of the more experienced RNs I was working with seemed to think any ill effect could come from it, since it was clamped and clean. But one of the RNs did question whether air could get in without the access device in place. I'm just so restless thinking about it, and hoping to get some clarity about what I should have done differently or what I can do.

Thanks so much (at the time I left, having no access device for 7 hours, the patient had no signs of trouble)

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