Cumberland County College Fall 2010 RN Program

U.S.A. New Jersey


Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Moving this thread to NJ Nursing Programs.

No, but a woman in my A&P II class just got her letter. I am excited for her!!! She is really smart and passionate, and I believe she will make a great nurse! I am sure you all will be doing some of your clincials at the new hospital there in Vineland. Are you getting nervous yet? I wish you the best with the program and your future nursing career!!! : )

Awwww .. is this you, Rob? That is very sweet of you!!! You are also very passionate and smart ... I know you are going to be very successful in all you do! Who knows, perhaps someday we will both pursue our dream (CRNA) together:-) How cool would that be???


Yes, I just got my letter of acceptance into the RN Program at CCC. I look forward to seeing you .. orientation on the 24th;-) Do you live in Cumberland County???

Thank you and yes. I live in Hopewell. I FINALLY got my packet yesterday with all the things I need for orientation. I've been waiting for that thing for over a month!! I can't wait to see how expensive our uniforms will be.... fun fun!!! Did they send you the packet with your acceptance letter? My name is Kim by the way.

Hi, Kim! My name is Aldonna .. but you can call me Donna. Yep, I received the packet in the mail yesterday. The day prior is when I recv'd the acceptance letter. I am very familiar with Hopewell .. I live in Pittsgrove. I'm 32 and have 2 sons .. and you? I have a feeling the uniforms are going to cost a pretty penny!

I can't wait .. I'm so excited!!!! Looking forward to orientation on the 24th. By any chance, did you see anything in your packet about CPR? The ONLY thing I saw regarding that was on the very first page .. it was listed under "forms that need to be returned." I don't know if they are saying that we have to have it done by orientation or not .. have you any idea? Naturally, it must be done prior to the start of the semester. However, I'm currently taking A&P II .. Monday thru Thurs. My schedule is jammed packed. If I have to do it before the orientation, I will find a way. Well, sorry for rambling on .. I have a tendency to do that:-) Just curious if you knew, or if perhaps I was missing something!?

Just curious .. do you mind my asking where you went to HS? I graduated in '95 from Vineland High..

Hi Donna. I'm 33 (34 on the DAY of orientation... nice bday present!!!) and I have one daughter who's 20 months. So we live pretty close! Hopefully we can help each other study! I think the BLS just needs to be done before the program starts. It says nothing of needing proof of certification for orientation. I know to get into the class at the hospital you need to go to student services and sign up for it. If you are on campus you should go by there and ask and let me know if we can sign up now. I graduated from Millville back in 94. I am super excited to start as well! I'm taking the intro to nursing this summer so the fall isn't so bad on me for childcare reasons. The orientation seems so far away to me because I have SO many questions, but I need to calm down LOL.

Someone told me that first semester clinicals are done at a nursing home, but on the sheet it says they are at the hospitals. The clinical schedule seems so confusing to me because of the lottery. The one I really want is section 9 (I think-I don't have my sheet with me right now) but it is the tuesday class and lab from 2-7pm, but it has the clinical listed for that section on tues from 3-11pm, which makes NO sense. I've already asked the director a few questions so I don't want to ask her if this is an error or not. It might not even make a difference because of the lottery thing they have going on. In the course schedule booklet the college mailed out, that section 9 has clinicals as wed from 3-11 (instead of tuesday). I'm trying to figure out which is correct, because if they moved the evening clinical to tuesday instead of wednesday, then the class and lab I want won't work. Its actually frustrating me LOL because I WANT TO KNOW RIGHT NOW what my options are!!!!!


That's what I thought too .. about the CPR. I will look into that, and I will get back to you on it! You are right .. it says NOTHING about needing proof of cert for orientation. I will make a few calls next week (probably on Tues due to the fact that Mon is a holiday) and I will be more than happy to keep you informed.

OMG .. I was also looking at the clinical schedule and noticed the exact one you are referring to! It must be an error .. not possible to be two places at one time. Although, it sure would be nice at times .. lol! I am not too sure about the "lottery!" Much like yourself, I have many questions. I am very excited; hence, I am also impatient. I would also like to know what my options are. I am honestly contemplating the very last time slot on the schedule .. I believe it's the last one (I don't have the sheet in front of me). I would prefer to do my clinical on a Saturday because my hubby is off. Furthermore, the other two days don't begin until 4pm. This would be most practical as I would not need the "before school program" for my boys. Also, in the event that they are not feeling well and can't attend school on one of my lecture days, it would be nice knowing that my hubby would be home from work by then. As a result, I wouldn't have to worry about missing any of my classes. Also, my boys will be taken care of by daddy:-) Well, who knows if I will get that time slot or not ... I'm pretty confused about the whole lottery thing!

My hubby works with a guy whose wife just finished her first semester at CCC. Clinical IS at the hospital .. as far as I know, it is not in a nursing home. However, please don't quote me on this. I just haven't heard any mention of it being anywhere other than the hospital. Also, going by our list, clinical is at one of several hospitals.

I would love to have a study partner .. perhaps we should do that!! So, did you do all of your pre-req's? I'm currently taking A&P II. All that is left is my humanities elective, Micro, and Eng Comp II. All other pre-req's are complete. The three remaining I will take during summer sessions ONLY. I will not need any more on my plate while taking NUR classes.

So, we have a lot to do prior to orientation huh? Speaking of Millville .. my family doctor is in Millville. I'll be making an appt with her ASAP .. physical, drug test, etc.

Do you have a FB by any chance?

I have all prereqs done except for sociology and human growth and development which I can both do online. I'll do one this semester and one next. I am re-reading my A&P book and I'll most likely try and get my hands on a micro text to go over as well... or maybe old notes if I can find them. I wish I still had my parasitolgy text. Maybe some attic digging and it'll turn up.

I have a friend who did her LPN this past year, and will be doing her second year with us for her RN. Her first semester was at a nursing home, but it must be different for the LPN program.

I saw the 4pm classes too, but I can get a sitter to watch the baby for a couple of hours one day until hubs gets done work. He's never home before 5, so I figure why make her go to a sitter 2 days if I can just do it in one. One of my choices for the clinicals will be the saturday as well, but I would like the evening week one better. My mom can watch the baby until hubs gets home from work, then he can take care of her for the night. I guess for the 4 clinical "picks" we only look at the clinicals they have listed, not the lecture and labs, which means I am going to have to put a day one my list as well.... the thing I don't undertstand is we are guaranteed to get into which ever lecture and lab we want??? But I have to figure out which clinical I get before I can pick which lecture and lab I can fit in. Its really confusing. On the regular nursing student thread I made a post to what the director told me and it confuses me even more after receiving my packet

I already scheduled my physical!!! How anal is that LOL. Monday I will order my insurance and the background check. I have this personality that I HAVE to get stuff done or it drives me nuts. I'm probably borderline OCD or something. How old are your boys?? I do have FB. I'll PM you my email address so you can friend me.

Best of Luck! I just graduated!!! yay!:yeah:

Thank you:-) I'm so happy for you ... CONGRATS!!!!!!

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