Published Oct 27, 2010
48 Posts
Just wondering if your facility is involved in this culture change business and/or Hatch Model? What are your thoughts on this?
I personally find it ridiculous to say the least. Perhaps in an assisted living facility or ones with provisions for home based health care.
I have work to do. I have a schedule of how things are to be done. Medications and treatments to be done on a schedule, appointments to work around etc. Now they want patients to have "it their way," when they want things, on their schedule. This scenario is more of a culture change. As for the Hatch Model, it comes down to having a consistent assignment all the time, especially for the LNA's. I for one would not appreciate the same patients each and every day. I would think this would cause a major burn out rate. Especially if you take care of so many demanding patients, who expect you to treat them as if they had a private duty nurse. Also, our education coordinator has presented this Hatch Model in such a way as to "be part of the family," for our patients. Our education coordinator and I have literally been butting heads on this topic. I DO NOT want to be thinking about my patients on my day off. It isn't healthy. I need to detach from work as soon as the door hits me on the way out, although not always easy. I do not want my patiens to be my "friend." It used to be black and white with the professionals and the patients. Now, it's all becomming gray and murky at best, to a point where once something was inappropriate, is now deemed appropriate. It seems like there's always someone sitting at a desk making six figures who come up with these ideas of grand dios and then finds a way to get them implemented, only to complicate our lives even more.
If you can shed some light on this, I'd love to hear how culture change and the Hatch Model are working for you and your co-workers at your facility. My mind is slightly opened to this, but with great resistance.
Thanks for your input.
tyvin, BSN, RN
1,620 Posts
And you wonder what they are spending our money on............ According to this article the model is to be used in LTC facilities. Well since no one has anything to do anyway (lol).
The premise of continuous care from the same staff has been around for decades. Some nurses like it, some don't. I do know that it benefits the residents by having staff that is familiar with them and their care. If you keep switching staff the residents get confused many times.
In the same breath is it in the best interest of the nurse to give her the same residents everyday? Won't they get bored etc... So who wins; should we look out for the residents best interest or the nurses? I think you know the answer to that.
If it's something they will impliment for the nurse to do ask them for an outline of how they expect you to participate. Who knows, you can't beat them so join; hey it might not be too bad.
SummitRN, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 1,567 Posts
Familiarity can breed contempt after a certain point.