U.S.A. Nevada


Anyone here applying for fall? :)

I'll be sure to post also!!!! Can't wait!!! Hope everyone gets a restful sleep tonight!! Try not to stress too much!

Welcome Emily! My fingers are crossed for us too!!

I took a super long nap today so I hope I'm not up all night worried. I want tomorrow to get here ASAP!

thank you! & yeah anything to help the time pass is great! lol good luck, hope to hear good news from everyone tomorrow! : )

Good luck tomorrow everyone. I hope we all get the call! Night.

Just cracked open a bottle of wine, anything to calm the nerves! :) Ill be thinking about you ladies tomorrow ,Goodluck and Sleep Sweet!!

Just cracked open a bottle of wine anything to calm the nerves! :) Ill be thinking about you ladies tomorrow ,Goodluck and Sleep Sweet!!

Haha I just cracked open a bottle of wine tonight as well! Not that I'm celebrating anything other than being caught up on studying for the first time in like 2 months! :p I can't wait to see all of your happy posts tomorrow!

Good Morning ladies and gentlemen! Today is the BIG day! Just wanted to wish everyone good luck! Hope to hear from you guys soon!! :)

Anyone hear anything yet?

I just got the call guys.... I'm in!

Congrats D. Borden :)

Do you mind sharing your points and whether you're full or part time again? I think you've told us already, but I have a grumpy baby in my arms and can't really scroll back... :)

Good luck today you guys!

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