CRNE Results June 2013

World Canada CRNE


Hi all,

I want to congratulate everything on writing the June 2013 exam. I wish everyone the best of the luck. I know we are all patiently awaiting for our results now. 4-6 weeks seems like forever.

How did everyone find the exam?

I wrote my exam in Ontario. I found the test to be fair, but difficult at the same time. I felt like for every question I was able to narrow it down to 2 answers, both of which seemed like the correct answers. This was very frustrating. I wish I could say I did really well, but the truth is I really don't know. (lol). All I can say is we studied and tried our hardest, and now let's hope for the best. Have faith in yourselves. We did it. :)

Again, good luck, and may the bell curve be forever in your favor.

Nobody yet in ontario got the result except the one who posted earlier... It's causing an epidemic of anxiety to most ontarians.. :(

Congrats nobu!!! That's great!!! :) Where in BC are you if you don't mind me asking?

Oh boy!!! Just when I thought the anxiety level couldn't get any worse....apparently my body took that as a challenge to raise the bar on the anxiety threshold! I think somewhere out there is a research grant approved yearly for a group of "mad scientists" to study the behaviors and psyche of post test takers like those of us in this format!!

Hmmm...ok now I'm not only anxious but I've gone to the extreme of formulating conspiracy theories!! lol :D

I got a letter stating I passed and a certificate.

Congrats nobu!!! That's great!!! :) Where in BC are you if you don't mind me asking?

Vancouver :)

Congratulations! 3RNa and nobu.

It's interesting that a couple people from Ontario got their results. I just spoke with the CNO and they said that we should be receiving them next week. Anyone else from Ontario got their results or been in contact with the CNO?

YEssssssssssssss thankssssss God I just got my result BIG PASSED. I'm from Toronto and IEN. Yeheeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy Good luck to all waiting.


Ok I am new here, and I only signed up because I am just as anxed as all you Ontarians for the results. I was reading all your comments, and I just felt like part of all you guys. Soooooo, if I do pass (finger's crossed), I wanted to celebrate and share it with all of you. I hope that we all do!!:)

Welcome Aafreen! There is plenty of anxiety over awaiting the pending results to go around! :D

I was just wondering, is it true that people can find out if they passed online. There is this website on CNO called Find a nurse; I do have a temporary license, and I wonder if CNO updates the status of your registration automatically?

According tot he person at the CNO, you still have to complete the registration form and send it back before they update it. I just got off the phone with them as I too have a temp.

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