CRNE October 2010

World Canada CRNE


Hello every1,

I am going to take CRNE in October 2010. I need your tips and suggestions. I am registered with CARNA (Alberta board of Nursing) but going to take my exam in Toronto. I guess CRNE is standardized exam and is same all over Canada. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you

Specializes in Primary Care Nursing.
These CRNE threads get more and more entertaining every time I read them. Nursing really is the most inclusive profession there is. My SO is an engineer and I'm pretty sure they don't have pity parties encouraging each other to make it through and try, try again. Well, they don't write boards, but the same applies for lawyers I'm sure... do they petition for the bar to become easier?

I'm glad nursing is so care-focused that we can encourage each other, I mean it's kind of a defining feature, but this is just getting ridiculous.

Very well said. Let's just set the bar lower so more deficient people can go through - it's such a ridiculous concept. It's perfectly natural to feel badly for failing an exam you worked so hard for but it's not human nature to blame the system instead of focusing on one's own faults and striving for improvement. Life is full of disappointments. I'm getting a kick out of the "ohh woe is me" posts" - let's all just suck it up and move forward, shall we?





This is for the people who has failed crne-rn exam two and three times. We must advocate for ourself....e-mail cno. We deserve more than three attempt....a few years ago it was a total of 5 or 6 attempt ...... Why do we get only 3 attempts?????? ......haven't we finished 4 years of intense nursing program?????? We all are smart and knowledgeable!!!!

We have to do something ..... When we speak up rules will change!!!

Please post out thoughts.

Trust me..I know how you feel. I've failed twice. I'm still not quite over this failure and i lost my job offer this morning..but i'm slowly picking myself up. I know you're frustrated and angry but trust me, its not the end of the world. When one door closes, another opens. I handed in my application for the next exam and talked to CNO personally. They told me if you fail the third (god forbid) you have two options....

1. appeal for a fourth time...only if you have a really good reason as to why you cannot pass or study for the exam...e.g. going through divorce proceeding

2. you are eligible to write the RPN exam...i know you're disappointed because you went through 4 years to be an RN but at least this is still nursing. You also have 3 chances for the RPN exam. Maybe later on you can take a bridging program in another school and retake CRNE?

they also advise me to take prep courses or even contact your university's course coodinator and ask if she/he knows anyone who is brilliant and can help you prep for this exam. Also if your not ready for the next exam...then maybe take some time off and study for the june exam? The choice here is yours. Why not try calling CNO and seek for more advice? But realistically right now, even if you're able to successfully get them to change their minds about giving more than 3 chances (not very likely), it will be a long process. They will not implement this change immediately as they need to evaluate. RIGHT NOW all you can do is give yourself time, come up with new studying strategies that will help you for your next exam and act on those plans. I'm truly sorry for what happened but let's stay positive, learn from previous mistakes and work/study harder. Good luck.

Specializes in geriatrics.

Why should anyone get the opportunity to write a fourth time? We all know upon entering school that there is an exam at the end. Its no surprise. You're supposed to be gaining the knowledge as you go. The exam is challenging, but it isn't rocket science, especially by the third time.

Alright people, we are all in the nursing profession for a reason, because we care and we want to help people.

For those of you who are being rude, negative and putting those down who are expressing themselves after failing for the first or second time, and telling them to stop, give it a rest. Let them vent, their devastated. Failing the exam is not easy to deal with after working so hard for 4 years. Trust me I know. I have failed twice, and not because I didn't pay attention in school or because I didn't study because trust me I did, its because I simply suck at writing exams. I may have failed the CRNE twice, but its not because I didn't learn enough, because I am a good nurse and if it takes me three tries, then so be it.

Those who are failing and posting on this site arent' looking for a pity party, their looking for help. Some may not say it, but if your such a good nurse and caring person maybe try reaching out or offering advice instead of telling them to stop being such a baby and shut up.

Everyone knows you have three tries to write the CRNE. Some people may say there should be more, or say things along those lines. But as for me and why I may have said those things before, is because I am scared. I love nursing, and I know tests/exams get the best of me.

Anyways for those who have failed, keep your chin up and dont give up. Ignore the negativity. All you can do is try your best, and do everything you can to study ect. Best of luck to those who are writing again! Stay positive :)

Yes its not rocket science, but it is challenging...

Specializes in geriatrics.

lets break the CRNE results into two parts

1) expressing frustration and asking for help

2) ego centrism nd superiority

I look at CRNC Oct in this way. When ppl attempt and fail, 1st nd 2nd times, logically following up by attempting 2nd nd 3rd time. 2nd time failure is much more frustration cuz of the 3 times rule. However, when ppl fail 2nd time, i think we are more expecting of how to pass on the 3rd strike, taking prep courses, and getting a tutor. Cant wait RN simply skipped the step i mentioned above, jumped into request a 5th/6th attempt, not even a 4th attempt, in addition, she wanted an uprising against CNA--again, logically uprising is usually the last resort. When a person fails the 2nd time, and request "at least 5/6 times"--what does that mean? that means this person is simply insecure and knows herself is not safe.

Expressing frustration can be many different ways, but as a general rule in nursing, blaming/whinning/complaining isnt a good way to do it, as it is contrasting by the nature of nursing---responsibility for public and self. When a new grad is expressing frustration in a way of complaining CNA, what do u think other experience nurses would say? OF COURSE a serious lesson---before u become a nurse, learn how to be a person


I look at the "pity party" in a different way. I surely dont want this threat become a personal attacking thread, but it is Jan/the staff nurse to encourage me to express my real thoughts.

My thoughts is very simple, among all the people who is against for 3 exam strikes, How many ppl is truely thinking protecting the public and how many people is simply wanting CRNE becomes a one time exam so another dozen of students would be out. How many ppl are thinking 2nd attempt is reasonable for ppl who fail the 1st, and still could be a nurse, and how many ppl think that test writers dont even deserve a 2nd chance just because these ppl passed/can pass the exam just by one shot?

I see ego/superiority from both sides.

Correct me if im wrong, delete my post if im offending any one =)

Alright, I was trying to being supportive and now i'm sick and tired of all this negativity. Can't we all agree to disagree? There are people here who have failed and are frustrated, which is completely understandable. During this fragile time they are expressing their feelings and in need of support. Sure, we may disagree with some of their opinions but no need to be rude or extremely negative about it. I'm sure we all get frustrated and angry at some point in our lives nursing related or not. We want to express those feelings to make ourselves feel better even if those thoughts seem unrealistic...we are at the height of our emotions. Telling someone your opinion in a negative way isn't going to make them feel better in fact its adding to the fire/pool of emotions they are already having. Let's be empathetic..think as if we are in their shoes! If YOU failed and someone said rude things back to you, how would you feel? Come on, i thought we are nurses. There are other methods of communication that are THERAPEUTIC. For example "I understand you are frustrated but let's see what your other options are?" instead of "Are you nuts??? why should anyone get more than 3 chances?". SEE THE DIFFERENCE HERE? Nursing isn't all about health science but also THERAPEUTIC communication. We were taught this in nursing school, remember? I know you all have your own opinions but there are ways to sound less rude and negative??? If this continues this thread/forum will become an unsafe place for people to express their feelings and seek advice, which defeats the purpose or goal of this website. You all have the right to express your own thoughts and opinions but please do it in a more respectful and encouraging manner. Help those who need it and offer advice/options to lessen their stress and anxiety is what we should being doing here. When i first found out i failed, i fell to pieces and to those who were supportive of me on this thread, thank you. I truly appreciate helped me get back up.

For those re-writing (I am) believing is everything. Believe you can do it and you will surely get it on the next try!!!! If you don't believe in youself, no one can really help you. Let's start with believing. If you can get through 4 years, you can get through this:)

Specializes in geriatrics.

People have been very supportive here. But once you start having posts about the CN0 and the CNA acting unfairly, there will be criticism. We all took the same program and wrote the same exam. It's up to each of us individually to be accountable. Furthermore, we will not always agree in an open forum. And...failure is acceptable. It is how you decide to rectify your situation that matters.

The exam does not create good nurses nor does it prevent inefficient nurses, explains why some intelligent people fail on these boards while we still see terrible nurses working in the hospital. We are put into the situation where we HAVE to write a multiple choice exam for our license, we know it as we prepare for the exam and there is nothing we can do but prepare. There are many positives and negatives of a multiple choice exam testing knowledge and critical thinking but everyone is different, we all learn in a variety of ways and for SOME PEOPLE, multiple choice exams are terrible for them.

Not everyone took the same program.

Not everyone has the same lived experience of their exam.

Yes people are being supportive but when there are berating posts about a pity party, refusing any reason for reprisal, minimizing the difficulty of the exam, these are NOT supportive and definitly not helpful criticism - it's judgemental and downright negative

And I passed the exam.. I can't imagine how the others who failed, feel. From the looks of the last couple of posts, it appears to be obvious how these comments are making them feel.

Specializes in Primary Care Nursing.
Yes people are being supportive but when there are berating posts about a pity party, refusing any reason for reprisal, minimizing the difficulty of the exam, these are NOT supportive and definitly not helpful criticism - it's judgemental and downright negative

If you feel that a good dose of reality is negative and critical, so be it. But if someone is going to make the ludicrous suggestion of lowering the bar by raising the exam attempts to 6 or 7 (oh heck let's just go with 100) to make it easier for THEM to pass, and expect others not to jump all over that ridiculous request, then that's just wishful thinking. The most glaring problem here, which is very disturbing to say the least, is that people seem to truly feel that the licensing process is all about you (the nurse), when in fact it has nothing to do with you. You are but a blip in the radar. It has everything to do with the people nurses swear to protect. Period.

What's the worst a bartender can do? Mix a drink wrong and have customer insist on another drink. What's the worst an investor can do? Make a poor investment and lose tons of money.

What's the worst a nurse can do? Kill somebody. All of the provincial colleges of nursing have the same mandate: Protect the Public. If you do not possess the minimum requirements to be a safe nurse, then you should not be a nurse. Period. No other way to sugarcoat it. So everyone get out of that self-pity mode and face reality. You are not doing yourself any good by blaming the world for your problems.

Specializes in geriatrics.

Not to mention, when you are posting in bold, caps, and underlining, that appears as though you are yelling at people. Nothing said here has been overly critical, mean, or demeaning. Some of you just do not agree, and that is fine. But myself, and others are being honest, because some of these posts seem ridiculous at this point. Patients lives are at stake. It is not just about you passing or failing an exam. That is all I will say. Life goes on. Good luck to you.

I believe there was only one post about increasing the attempts from 3 to 8 and they have yet to post again.. just saying.. but a lot of the posts way after the fact remained to be negative and directed towards the exam in general. It was one post versus the several other posts that have been made on page 31 from members who also agree that comments such as pity party are not helpful doses of reality...

Specializes in geriatrics.

Actually no. Failing to agree with someone is not the same as negativity. It is a difference of opinion which all of us are entitled to.

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