CRNE October 2010

World Canada CRNE


Hello every1,

I am going to take CRNE in October 2010. I need your tips and suggestions. I am registered with CARNA (Alberta board of Nursing) but going to take my exam in Toronto. I guess CRNE is standardized exam and is same all over Canada. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you

Hello Members.

Please I desperately need your help there anyone who knows a tutor they can reccomend who is able to do long distance tutoring online. Im in a city were there are NO CRNE prep classes and Im desperately looking for one. Thank you!

Specializes in geriatrics.

I used Mosbys and CNA. I did all the questions and exams possible in these guides as well as the studying. Also keeping in mind all the basic principles. You need to go into that exam prepared and confident you can pass, so that time doesn't get the best of you. There were at least 10 I had no clue. I said, who cares? Guessed immediately (after reading the options) and left. No use even wasting a minute if you really don't know. There is enough there that you can reason out the answer successfully.

Don't let it beat you. And with only missing a few, you know you can have it for sure next time if you mind the time.

Just got my result, i failed. I think am done with nursing.

Specializes in geriatrics.

It makes me really sad for those of you who are feeling discouraged. I know I would feel the same, because we all really worked for this. But I would keep trying. And failing the exam does not mean you are not cut out to be a nurse. Not in any way. The exam is 200 questions. There is so much more to nursing. For most people, it is the anxiety that overwhelms the ability to respond in test situations. Running out of time. If we had even.10 more minutes, this would mean a pass for many. I felt that a 15 minute break should be allotted. Book one, 15 minute break, then book two perhaps. Some people can't sit well for 4 hrs straight. I couldn't, and I got up twice. But I do well with MC so I was fortunate that way.

Please at least consider some of the tips people have provided here before walking away. You could be great and not realize it.

I am from Mississauga, and I passed, got the result on Monday noon. I failed my June exam and I went to Toronto School of Health for prep course. For the first attempt, I read the Mosby text and did all the qs available.. I thought I was ready until after the exam, I was really confused and I felt that it was one of the exams that you can't predict the exam result. After I went to the course at Toronto School of Health, I did the exam and I kinda knew I was going to pass. As the course really taught me the "right way to choose the answer".. after that I realized the test is really not testing our knowledge, it's more like.. recognizing the key word in the question, knowing which competency they are trying to test us on with that question.. I am not a staff at the school or like trying to market it. Because I suffered a lot from failing the exam from the first attempt and I even lost my job offer, so I feel the pain from the people who have lost, and I am trying to suggest another option. However, my friend who went to the same school as me, she didn't pass either, so your choice; but keep it in mind. For me, I felt that I should have took a prep course for the first time, so I would be working rite now. Bestest luck to those who didn't pass, keep up your faith, we are in nursing not cuz of the benefits or wage, cuz we really have the passion for it. Please be strong and stay positive!

Hey Everyone..

So I just got my results in. My second time writing, I failed by 5 :( Its hurting....

So I know this time around, i want to take a prep course cause im not sure how else I can study for it myself. I feel like ive done everything other than take a prep course.

So I was just looking for feedback on which one to take out of either the 1 month prep course offered by Toronto School of Health or the weekend course offered by U of T???

I would appreciate any feedback.

Thank u

Specializes in cardiac care.

I can help you with that....... mail me at [email protected]

Hey Everyone..

So I just got my results in. My second time writing, I failed by 5 :( Its hurting....

So I know this time around, i want to take a prep course cause im not sure how else I can study for it myself. I feel like ive done everything other than take a prep course.

So I was just looking for feedback on which one to take out of either the 1 month prep course offered by Toronto School of Health or the weekend course offered by U of T???

I would appreciate any feedback.

Thank u

If you would like to know the details about the prep course I have done at Toronto School of Health, I can help you with that too. Email me at [email protected]

Lovelivelearn, sometimes studying hard will not mean we will be successful on this exam :( and it does not mean you aren't smart enough either. Pure knowledge questions make up a tiny percentage of this exam, but to critically apply them is a huge portion. The questions that are meant to ask you for the best action, first response, or a specific response to their respiratory or renal or ethics are meant to confuse you. eg. Sometimes when the question is talking about the person and their vital signs are stable but THE actual question asks you about their pain; you can guarantee there will be answers that will relate to the vital signs but that won't be what they are looking for. You said you panicked :( try having your own mock exams to prepare yourself for the atmosphere. Look through the blueprint you got and clarify how you failed and whether you need to brush up on your knowledge or if it's anxiety or reading comprehension (critical thinking questions)

thank you for your support and advice. I truly appreciate that. For the past two days, I stayed in bed crying all day...couldn't eat and couldn't sleep. I studied hard for this exam...i know i know my stuff and yes i took the toronto school of health course. It was helpful don't get me wrong. I think this time i failed because of the anxiety and my lack of time management skills. I was scared of making a mistake i read everything carefully and even analyzed the vitals when the question wasn't even relevant to the vitals! You're right...i think it was my reading comprehension. and this exam is not an exam you can predict your result...they will always throw some crazy curve ball. I'm slowly starting to think positive again...i think i will hit the books, practice and time myself. I don't know how else to prepare.

For all those who were unsuccessful...i know how u feel. But we went through 4 years of school..can't give up now. Got to try til the very end, so lets hope for the best and beat the next exam.

"There is no failure except in no longer trying. "

~ Elbert Hubbard

Specializes in geriatrics.

Why don't you consider taking a break from getting in and studying again? You are probably feeling exhausted from this. Study smart...with a fresh perspective? And yes, the exam isn't about your knowledge. Its about choosing the answer they want, according to those competencies. And finishing in time. If you got through 4 yrs of school, you do have the knowledge. The other point is to not second guess. Usually your first intuition is correct. In order to manage the time, I actually laid my watch on the table. If you want some pointers livelovelearn email me sometime.

got my result yesterday and yes.....I happy r8 now. Congratulations to all and Good Luck!

Just got my result, i failed. I think am done with nursing.

Please do not be discouraged. You would not have subjected yourself to 4 years of nursing school to give up now. You have too much invested (time and money) to let one exam ruin the chance of you having a rewarding career - a career you have fought hard to get into. We all believe you can do it, but none of our words will mean anything if you do not have that belief in yourself. I know easier said than done. Give yourself a few days to are ALLOWED to feel bad, depressed or whatever...but PLEASE, dust yourself off and TRY AGAIN! You owe this to yourself! There will be a bunch of us cheering for you along the way. To everyone who did not make it this time: Please do not let this defeat you. Please try again. You all have a lot of $$$$ and time invested into this profession already. You DESERVE to be RNs. Believe in yourself and never give matter how frustrated you are. You all will annihilate the CRNE in February.:heartbeat

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