CRNE Attempt 2 on Oct 5th


Hi everyone,

I am writing anyone who can give me any bit of advice and or study tips for writing the CRNE. Sorry if I have too many questions or ramble on (it's the anxiety). I failed my exam the first attempt by 8 marks and ended up running out of time and circling in for 8 questions without reading them. I was devastated when I got my letter in the mail. I have begun studying a month ago or maybe longer lightly each day but I don't feel prepared at all. I work full-time and can't afford to take time off to study more. I also find myself having a hard time reading for long periods of time or knowing exacting how I should study. I am starting to feel very nervous and panicking that I am going to fail again or that I don't know enough. I do awesome in the clinical setting so I know I'm a good nurse but when it comes to exams I guess I don't do as well as others.

I was wondering if anyone has any words of advice on how to write the exam better, how to study even when I can't read any further and maybe any words of wisdom or advice to ease my anxiety and boost my confidence for this. I know I am not the only one feeling like this right now but anything will help myself and anyone else in my situation.


Please check this thread. There's a lot of tips there that might be helpful.

I guess my question to you is: How exactly have you been studying? How are you using the CRNE prep guides?

The first time, I did a lot of prep questions from the books and read the rationales with not too much text reading. Now I am trying to read more and asnwer some but not as many prep questions. I'm confused as to how to study best. I am currently using the mosby's orange and blue prep guide, but there's so much.

Thank you!

Specializes in Cardiology.

These next two weeks I would do lots and lots and lots of questions. Time yourself and see where you are at. It sounds like time management is a big issue.

I don't write until June but I'm already prepping.

I'll give myself 60 min to answer 50 questions. That is your target. (72 sec/question).

Also, when reading the rationales, think about what competency category (professional practice, health and wellness etc) and taxonomic level (critical thinking, Knowledge/comprehension, application) you having trouble with.

Focus in on those areas that are giving you difficulty.

You still have time. Good luck!

First step is to gain control of your anxiety, it is stressful trying to balance studying with work and a home life but you can take steps to manage the stress and build your confidence and you will be able to focus on preparing for and passing the exam.

Suggest you read the brochure preparing to rewrite the cpnre, Also search for articles on test anxiety, try the journal Canadian Nurse, Jan 2011 article titled "Stress care turning failure into triumph"

ok, sounds great! thanks everyone! I will mix it up so I don't get bored. I guess failing the first time just worried me. Thank you for the was very useful in reducing my stress. Thank you for the site..I will definetly check it out and time myself before I write. Wish me luck :-)

Hi, Everyone. I wrote my exam in October 2012 and I passed. I just want to share my strategies with you all as I have already written this to help a friend out. I know how difficult this is and I want to help. I have copied and pasted how I studied and passed below

Take care.. Good luck hope this helps.

How I studied for CRNE:

1. First what I did to test my knowledge and know which areas I am lacking and which I am good was to do the first CRNE practice exam in the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination Prep Guide, 5th Edition (2010). The book is below. You can get the book at the U of A book store or order is online on amazon here is the link: Download/Buy - Télécharger/Acheter - Canadian Registered Nurse Examination Prep Guide, 5th Edition (2010)

LEAVE THE SECOND EXAM TILL LATER TO TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE!!..By doing the first one and scoring your mark you are able to see where you stand and what you need to study it will help you recognize what you are lacking and where your weaknesses and strengths are in studying.

Source/ Citation: Canadian Nurses Association (2010). The Canadian Registered Nurse Exam Prep Guide (5

thed). Canadian Nurses Association: Ottawa. ISBN: 978-1-55119-283-3.

2. Second, After I test myself by doing the first exam in the book above I review the answers and score myself by following the instructions in the book. Then I review and see where I need to improve so I know where I need to study and what I need to focus on. Now that I have done one actual similar CRNE exam I do another one. I log in and sign up and pay for the CRNE readiness test offered by the Canadian Nurses Association. They offer two tests which are 100 questions each. In the beginning of your study period make sure you do only one to test again to see where you stand. Remember only do one of the online CNA readiness exams right now then later you will test yourself with the second one Remember that the CNA tests are only 100 questions each and not 200 like the actual CRNE exam so if you do the online test in real time it as if you were doing the actual exam then you have to do the 100 questions in 2 hours not 4 hours.

Here is the website if you want to pay for more questions. Introduction Also remember if you decide to do the test online make sure after you press submit button after the exam on the results page make sure to review your answers because once you close the window after you are done the online exam you will not be able to see that again and CNA will not be able to give it to you again to review.

3. Third I made sure I read and did most of the questions in : Mosby's Canadian Comprehensive Review of Nursing Text & Your Guide to Short Answer Questions on the CRNE Package ( All orange mosbys book). I found that it was a great summary and a quick recap of everything. The CD had more questions to test your knowledge. It helped as well. REMEMBER: this book DOES NOT use the format of questions that the actual CRNE uses but it is a good multiple choice questions to test your knowledge.

Source/ Citation: Mosby's Canadian Comprehensive Review of Nursing Text & Your Guide to Short Answer Questions on the CRNE Package [Paperback] Dolores F. Saxton (Author), Janice Marshall-Henty (Author), Penelope (Penny) Vernon (Author), Jonathon Bradshaw (Author)

4. Fourth what I did was read all the text book summaries for Pottery and Perry. Remember that your potter and perry textbook is the main book that is most important from so make sure if you can read all the chapters which you may/may not have covered in your degree/diploma this would be better. This is the book I used. Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing [Hardcover] Patricia Ann Potter (Author), Anne Griffin Perry (Author), Janet C. Ross-kerr (Editor), Marilynn J. Wood (Editor)

I think there is an updated version which would be better. Amazon link :

Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing: Patricia Ann Potter, Anne Griffin Perry, Janet C. Ross-kerr, Marilynn J. Wood: 9780779699933: Books

Source/ Citation: Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing [Hardcover] Patricia Ann Potter (Author), Anne Griffin Perry (Author), Janet C. Ross-kerr (Editor), Marilynn J. Wood (Editor)

5. Fifth what I did was do the readings and all the questions in Mosby’s Prep Guide for the Canadian RN Exam.( see picture below the green/white and blue book) REMEMBER: this book I think DOES NOT use the format of questions that the actual CRNE uses but it is a good multiple choice questions to test your knowledge.

Source/ Citation: Marshall-Henty, J. & Bradshaw, J. (2011). Mosby’s Prep Guide for the Canadian RN Exam. Mosby Elsevier: Toronto. ISBN: 978-1-926648293. You can get it online at amazon here is the link:

6. Sixth what I did to test my knowledge after all this was to do the second CRNE look alike exam in the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination Prep Guide, 5th Edition (2010). The book is below. You can get the book at the U of A book store or order is online on amazon here is the link: Download/Buy - Télécharger/Acheter - Canadian Registered Nurse Examination Prep Guide, 5th Edition (2010)

I also did the second CNA readiness test online to test myself to see if I have improved. Remember that the CNA tests are only 100 questions each and not 200 like the actual CRNE exam so if you do the online test in real it as if you were doing the actual exam then you have to do the 100 questions in 2 hours not 4 hours.

Here is the website Introduction Also remember if you decide to do the test online make sure after you press submit button after the exam on the results page make sure to review your answers because once you close the window after you are done the online exam you will not be able to see that again and CNA will not be able to give it to you again to review.

Source/ Citation: Canadian Nurses Association (2010). The Canadian Registered Nurse Exam Prep Guide (5

thed). Canadian Nurses Association: Ottawa. ISBN: 978-1-55119-283-3.

7. Seventh what I did last was to review the second exam above see how I did and how I improved and where I need to study more. Then I went into the Mosby's Comprehensive Review for the Canadian RN Exam ( Orange and Blue Book). Here I did not ready the whole book just parts that I needed to improve on and did some questions here and there. REMEMBER: this book DOES NOT use the format of questions that the actual CRNE uses but it is a good multiple choice questions to test your knowledge.

Source/ Citation: Mosby's Comprehensive Review for the Canadian RN Exam, 1e [Paperback] Janice Marshall-Henty (Author), Cheryl Sams (Author), Jonathon Bradshaw (Author)

8. A friend of mine from Toronto had bought this book below the Lippincott’s CRNE Prep Guide. This guide she found was mostly very useful for knowledge and just to do questions over and over different ones. So what she did was do all the question in the book. Then when she was done studying she looked at the CD and there were more questions for her to do only if she had time. I was able to look through the book and do questions but I found it helpful. REMEMBER: this book DOES NOT use the format of questions that the actual CRNE uses but it is a good multiple choice questions to test your knowledge.

Source/ Citation: Schow, E. & Murray, C. (2008). Lippincott’s CRNE Prep Guide. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia. ISBN: 978 0 7817 7907 4. You can get it online on amazon here is the link :

Extra Study Material that I think would help for CRNE:

1. Reviewing the CRNE competencies is very important Check out the link on this website because Competencies

There are 148 competencies that make up the content domain for the CRNE. Each question on the CRNE is linked to one of these competencies.

Citation: Canadian Nurses Association PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COMPETENCIES ( 2013).Canadian Nurses Association - Competencies

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