Criminal History/Going before the board - What are my chances of being granted a license?

Nurses Nurse Beth


Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Dear Nurse Beth,

I have a criminal background with a large history of fraudulent checks..I passed my state boards in Aug, and have to go in front of the board in Nov..Any suggestions as to what happens and what my chances may be? Is it possible that I will be granted a license?

Dear What are my Chances,

Congrats on passing the state boards!

Every case is determined individually. A lot depends on your rehabilitation and insight. They will want to see that you have taken steps to turn your life around and have learned from your mistakes.

Most boards require letters from individuals testifying to your changed behavior, as well as a letter of explanation from you. Follow all instructions they give you, and pay close attention to what they ask from you.

You may want to consider getting an attorney to help you through the steps. Be prepared that it may be a long process, and it will take commitment and persistence on your part.

Read Criminal Infraction? How to write a letter to the BON”

Best wishes, friend, everyone deserves a second chance.

Nurse Beth


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