Published Dec 5, 2007
Billy Shears
137 Posts
I am looking for some large digital display wall timers for our Resus Dept. One over each bed for timing CPR cycles. Ideally they will have big buttons on the front so when CPR is started they are easily depressed & start counting so everyone in the team can see where we are time-wise. I have been experimenting with the small thrombolysis counters (the team leader holds it & directs the team) which has been quite successful but their hands are effectively tied up.
I've had a fairly thorough search around the net to no avail & was wondering if anyone used them and where they can be sourced????
Any help much appreciated.
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
We've got some in work I will see if I can find out where we get them from
Thanks XB. Don't forget the Harley
Of course as soon as I get the first massive pay :lol2: