

I am cpne eligible and looking into workshops, trainers, etc. I have heard good things about Robs cpne study videos and Sheri Taylors workshop. I have also heard of students that pay for cpne trainers but have no idea how I would go about finding one. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?

I love Rob's videos!!!!!! Sheri Taylor online workshop is amazing...and very helpful.....make sure you use them!!!!!

Specializes in critical care.

I used Robscpne.com and cpneworkshop.com (Sheri Taylor) for my primary learning tools. I also did random cpne-related searches on the web and came up with all kinds of stuff out there. There are also some videos on youtube.com of people doing the various skills. Overall, I followed robscpne in terms of setting up my home practice lab and structuring my preparation and practice. I then used Sheri Taylor's stuff for a different look and approach to things. I used robs mnemonics. Also, you have to read the cpne guide that excelsior sends you (or online) at least once. Flag the pages that list critical elements and make sure that whatever mnemonics or procedures you use satisfy ALL critical elements. I know excelsior changes things every couple of years, and I do not know if rob and sheri change their stuff accordingly, so take on the personal responsibility of making sure the procedures and critical elements you are studying are correct and current. But, I can definitely recommend Rob and Sheri based on my experience. I passed in one try with no repeats in Milwaukee, WI in June 2011. it was one of the most stressful 3 days of my life, but totally reasonable if you are well prepared. ....I repeat, "if you are well prepared." (hint hint). I would recommend doing hands on practice of the skills with the exact equipment (syringes, IV bags, med bottles, paperwork, etc) until you can do it in your sleep.

Specializes in critical care.

.....also, no, I did not attend any live training or workshops or hire any sort of trainer or coach. I just used the online resources and excelsior cpne guide as listed above. I will try to keep an eye on this thread so let me know if you have any questions I might be able to help with. oh, one more crazy-super-massively-important thing to consider.... You need to find and read every single "cpne journal" you can get your hands on. I think there is a message board within excelsior's system where people post a journal of their experiences in the cpne. you can learn from their experiences, avoid the mistakes others made, be aware of the things that caught them by surprise, know what to expect from the viewpoint of the student, etc. Look at excelsior, but also just search the web for "cpne journal." These are absolutely priceless gold-mines of information. You get the ones like me who were so excited they passed they wrote a detailed account of every moment from prepping for travel, renting a car, scoping out the hospital a day early, what clothes to wear, and the exact word-for-word transcription of every encounter with the examiners (as best I could remember). Others will write about their experiences after failing the cpne, which are even more valuable, because you learn what NOT to do. I hope all this helps. I am at work and it is slow so I am just sitting here typing, sorry for being so long-winded.

Specializes in critical care.

also, too much coffee......may need to switch to decaf.....typing so fast there are sparks flying off the keyboard.....

Thank you so much for the valuable information! I would never have thought to read through cpne journals.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

I think Excelsior pulled the CPNE journals...

Here's the thread from allnurses discussing the action from 2012:


Excelsior may have taken theirs off for whatever reason but I just did a search for cpne journals and found a ton of them. Thanks again msa9179.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

There are quite a few on this site, some more recent than others, but many are very well written and give a lot of good insight without crossing the line into academic dishonesty.

Read the study guide, know your critical elements and mnemonics, then go to a workshop.

Thanks. Have u taken the cpne yet?

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