so July 2008 I failed the CPNE at AMC. I was so upset, I am a good student, I did well in nursing could I fail?! So I decided that I could not handle going back. I looked around at other schools and even took some classes. Then I was thinking to myself that I was so close to finishing. If I tried again and passed then I would be ready for NCLEX. So I gathered up all of my courage and applied to the CPNE again. This time I took a workshop. I actually took it before I even had a test date. This built my confidence a little more. I studied on and off until this weekend. I had my 2nd try at AMC. I thought I was going to pass out from the anxiety. Once I was there and started to do everything I felt a little better. I think the anticipation was the worst!! So I passed everything with no repeats!!! I wanted to write this so if there was anyone out there that did fail, and doesn't want to try again....learn from me. Go back...try can do this! It's just one weekend away from your state boards!!
Lisa....soon to be RN!!!!